
Showing posts from October, 2012

Quest to Adulthood

We are here again, lads and gents, a path of choice. For the last couple of weeks my mind has been filled with "the future". The urgency to make adult decisions is pulling my brows closer to each other by the minute. I can't say it's been fun being an adult, however long it has been. But I can say it's better than being pressured by other adults to be where they think I should be. That's one reason why I'd rather sort this "adulthood" out on my own (with God). Last saturday, Jesslyn broke the news that we'd have to separate ways. Julia, Dania, Devi and I had seen this coming. She's going to live with her family, and we're all for that. I guess it's for the best that the news wasn't only meant for the house's sake, but it's also for our lives. Jesslyn said GNH is our comfort zone. We tend to close one eye to growth when we're already so content with where we're at. So with all the courage Jess can sum, s
Hai blog Saya sedang galau. Padahal nga ada yang salah, nga ada yang aneh. Yeah, hidup ada masalahnya lah kecil2, tapi dibandingkan dengan yang dulu-dulu, masalah beginian ngak ada artinya. Tapi kenapa saya tetap depresi. Apa karena rintikan hujan seattle mulai mengesalkan? Maaf curcol. Saya sudah genap hidup di seattle selama empat tahun, tepatnya semenjak agustus kemarin. Jalan tahun kelima ini, saya mulai mendambakan hal yang baru. Euphoria mengenal kota yang baru, sungguh ngak ada yang bisa nyamain. It's that perfect blend of excitement, awe, all the tiny anxious nerves. Sebenernya post ini bisa lebih panjang lagi dengan segala macem curhat2 yang hampir kadaluarsa, tapi saya rasa, lebih penting untuk tidur (secara ini juga udah jam 2). Besok kita bakal ada mock shoot buat an ad for a law company. Dan saya yang bakalan di shoot, ceritanya jadi pegawai McD. haaa, norak ya. x
you know what's hard, not being able to open facebook when you're sleepy as hell and you need some photos or friend updates to wake you up.