
Showing posts from March, 2010

church's retreat & scholarship

went to another retreat @ warm beach which was awesome. the message just hit me hard tonight - 2 days after the preached time: That God created us all with a beautiful purpose in time, the problem is do you see yourself like god sees you? in order to do the things He made you for, don't you need to have the sweet, humble, Godly perspective of your life and the things surrounding you? Just know that the God who started the good work in you will never stop working in you, till he comes back and get you. Just let him lead and shape you, and you will never grew tired of having a bigger heart that loves Him and the world. yeah, it does take a long time for things to go into my heart, huh? but im glad it did, and i pray it'll stay. feel loved even more now. btw, if you're wondering abt my scholarship story: 1. went to school at 10 and printed things out at 11.55 - five minutes before what i thought was the deadline time. 2. figured out from Heather that the due time was at 5 3. t
wah, scholarship search has started again. and its due tomorrow. just today i realize that. so now im surfing the internet, taking my time, and not panicking. i should really panic now.
Kid Cudi's Pursuit of Happiness video is SICK. Those camera tricks and friggin depth of field is driving me nuts. Im not a fan of the song, but to Irene, well done you awesome set of creatives.
tuhan, im so scared. for something i dont even know.

unasnwered question

perspektif tuhan, aku pilih buat melihat kamu lebih dari lebih melihat keadaanku tuhan, engkau tanya "where should we buy food?" and i told you i don't have any money tuhan, aku mau kasih 5 roti 2 ikan ku...
i left this orange on my table. 2/12 eaten. i felt bad for leaving it dry, but, now mystomach is empty. i just dont wanna eat it, cuz i'll kill my tummy that way...
Disebelah gue ada: -doritos pedes, -abon pedes, -breakfast oats bar, -nasi goreng bekas kemaren minggu buatan Tam pas hari sabtu Diotak gue ada: -satu hal yg belum saya mulai hari ini -banyak hal yg belum diselesaikan -beberapa hal yang ngak tau apakah akan pernah diselesaikan quoting from Jules: "i was told to wait"

How Paul is Funny

This is how paul is funny: 1Timothy1:18-20 18 Timothy, my son, I give you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by following them you may fight the good fight, 19 holding on to faith and a good conscience. Some have rejected these and so have shipwrecked their faith. 20 Among them are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme. teach em, tarantino style!
DRAINED OUT, SUCKED OUT OF my happy-go-lucky ness. now im back to reality. gue masih dalam aftermath ketakutan krn animatics gue cuma 30 detik. thanks for that. now that i'm really grounded, i could start working more on the things. little big planet is what im basing the style of. TUHAAAANNNNNNN...