
Showing posts from February, 2015

Dance Again

photo taken from  here Hold me, cause I'm not complete. Pull me into your arms, cause you know I'm always seeking out for something else. My life falls piece by piece into the floor when you're not close. But like the most hard headed crook that I am, I will always dance off course. Are we still dancing, Dear? Are we still waltzing to the rhythms of our hearts? Cause I can hardly hear the music, the melodies that once follows our steps. I miss you. I miss us. It's stupid cause I've been saying this since years ago. I don't wanna stray, I want to stay. Right there with you -- wherever there might be. This is the part where I learn to be an adult, and treated us more than our feelings. Meet me tonight, and ask me out for a dance. I will, I will dance with you. Written while listening to  James Bay 's 'Let It Go'

Nampaknya Butuh Pembalut

Sangat menyebalkan, detik-detik seperti ini. Saat jantung berpacu cepat walau hati mendambakan ketenangan. Seperti bertapa sambil membuka kartu di atas meja poker. Padahal hujan harusnya merendahkan tensi. Kenyataannya, peperangan batin lebih berisik dari deru mobil membelah kubangan air. Mungkin aku terlalu lama berjuang sendiri. Terlalu arogan tak mau meminta bantuan. Hanya kuat tertawa dan mengabaikan kondisi. Ah, apalah aku ini, kalau nggak dikasihani yang maha esa. Ada saatnya Si Sanguine terkapar diatas lantai dingin. Memandang langit-langit kantor, membayangkan awan. Nampaknya Butuh Pembalut