
Showing posts from January, 2014

Mau Muntah

Saya mau muntah. Entah untuk alasan apa, tapi rasanya ada sebuah endapan berumur 9 bulan yang mau keluar dari terowongan leher ini. Keluarga saya memiliki sebuah rencana untuk menyusun hidup baru disebuah kota mimpi. Dulu saya mencintai kota tersebut. Saya mengidam-idamkan bisa tinggal disana; menikmati angin di pelabuhan tua-nya, menantang fajar yang muncul di atas bukit berangin-nya. Disetiap jalanan berbatu bata seakan terselip rahasia cerita dimasa tua, masa sebelum api besar menghanguskan setengah dari kota tersebut. Saya belum pernah jatuh hati, namun jika perasaan itu sama dengan kali pertama saya menikmati kota itu, saya ingin jatuh hati setiap hari. Detik ini di tahun yang lalu, saya bertekad mencari pekerjaan disana, tinggal dan menetap di kota impian. Saya pernah menceritakan rencana tersebut kepada seorang teman kuliah, namun diantara lelucon dan bual-bualan, ia memohon saya untuk tinggal bersamanya hingga ia lulus. Ia menarik jari kelingking saya untuk berjanji, na

Sharing Music

It's been a while since I did a post like this.. So, enjoy some of the music that has been playing in my night work time: RAC - Let Go ft. Kele and MNDR Nothing beats the simple fun beat that this music carries. Besides, the video is hauntingly cool. NONONO - Pumpin Blood Feeling like dancing to swedish pop? Betty Who - You're In Love The sound of Passion Pit with the voice of indie Katy Perry. Isn't that perfect? Tulus-Sewindu This guy is unbeatable. He could really steal my heart just by the sound of his voice. His music is the honest mix of indo-easy-listening-jazz-pop incredibility, as such: Suddenly September ft. Teza Sumendra - Chocolate High And the list won't be complete without a heart throb. I'm a fan girl over this heart breaker. His voice is Barry White low, slurty as melted chocolate, with a sexy Drake face. I'm sorry Doug Baldwin, but you've just been beaten by an Indo. Now I can go back to work. I'll see you

Wait, What?

A friend just got preggers. No scratch that, a friend just gave birth. A friend is a mom. Same age friend is a mom. I am amazed.. and shocked. Did I tell you she got married last month? Or at least her wedding facebook pics just went up in november. I hope it's just tardy uploads. On a lighter, more noteworthy, note.. See that. Look at the second man in red . L o o k at him. IT'S COACH AND HE'S BACK!!!!! * Roll on the floor, scream and run across the hall, jump for joy, all hail NEW GIRL!!*

7 Things I Learn in 2013

It is 30 Minutes before the passing of 2013. I've just welcomed my parents back from a surprise dinner-date at Cacaote, which I planned perfectly. The 2013 blog posts has been re-read, and now I'm ready with the 7 things I learn this year: 1. Stop doing , more being . It is a well known tale that Johanna is a doer. She does everything, the tackles every project, she can't stay put. But early this year, with stress weighing down her shoulders, and worries increasing her heart beat rate, she realized that she had too much on her plate and must stop. Stop and smell the roses. By that I mean, I learn to take my time and enjoy the doing. This process is something I must learn to enjoy. 2. What's important is not the jar, but the water within. Outer appearance matters little when compared to the contents I carry within me. Like, my emotional stability, my joy and peace, my thoughts and pursuits, my characters. They matter more than my biceps. Even when I realize th