
Showing posts from September, 2011

a thought

cowo yang terlalu baik (sama semua cewe) harus belajar menahan kebaikan. supaya ngak ngasih harapan. -- apa ini, jo! lo bicara dari pengalaman? buakakkakakakakkkk! dan cewe yang gampang suka cowo, harus cepet ganti topik setelah baca sms/fb/watevur dari cowo-penuh-harapan. karena sampe everything is black on white, to hope is to lose track on the essence of the conversation.

Jurnal Sekolah Johanna

hari ini guru saya masih ngak hadir, dia lagi ada konfrens di istambul. aduh keren bgt ya? pengen banget pergi ke kota2 dan negara negara lain. suatu hari nanti, kali ya! eniwei.. kembali ke tugas di skolah, saya bingung dari kemarin malam saya mikirin ini. cuma mungkin karena kebanyakan mikirin konsep, dan ngak shoot langsung ke produk akhir yg mau di dapetin, otak saya jadi muter2 di daerah abstrak yang ngak penting (menurut saya). sekarang ini saya punya 3 kata buat narrowing down my possible thesis: people, relationships and stories. dan saya akan bergelut lebih lagi unutuk dapetin thesis yg jempolan. *goyang jempol*


saya nervous. monday saya harus masuk keals yg baru saya bolosin minggu lalu. akhirnya, satu kerjaan nga selesai, dan PRnya saya nga jelas. terus, saya ngak deket sama any of the class mates. aduh, perut melingker lingker, dan ke iket jadi satu. padahal ini masih hari sabtu. (rhyme!)

Hawaii Pics

Some hawaii pics, as promised. I didn't take as much as i thought i would be. I mean, i brought 6gb worth of SD Cards. But, i was more like.. enjoying things while i'm at it. Next time, i will definitely take more pics, all the time. Memories are worth keeping, right?

school, money, future thoughts

i don't know. i really don't know. am i to be a designer, a third party helper for the first hand helper. feels like it. i wanna be in the zone. i want to help with my hands, not with the computer. but i don't know, i don't know. i surely don't want to waste my parents' money on changing my mind. i have to make this work and i will make money out of this first. please lemme break even, god.
whoa. did you guys checked out the new blogger UI? it's pretty sweet. i like how clean it is. confused? not really. just gimme a bit of time to get to know this, and i'll be off to go. how's first week of class been? it was awesome. seniors gather! i am excited for creating a motion reel and getting my design website up and running. cmon cargo, reply to me already. so i'm out for the last class of the week: comparative religions. whooaaa. heavy heavy. :)

First Day of School: Senior Studio

All nervousness fades as i came into a room full of friends! i mean, ya ngak deket2 amat, sedeket anak2 indo di greja. but still, we've been through things together. that counts as something special. So, small talks, picked a table by the window beside avid smokers; john and catelyn. hopefully i could breathe. i could've chosen the table by maggie, stella, rachelle, etc-etc.. but i didn't due to the distance to the nearest electrical plug (what are those things called again? colokan listrik. hahaha) first two classes i'm not too excited abt. the teacher isn't my fave, but i should juice everything out of him nonetheless. Then comes the class i'm kinda weary about; Comparative Religions. It's going to be mind opening, and i hope i will not be misled. Philosophical and Religious classes could get pretty confusing. So.. that's the update. There was one big thing i forgot to do, but i hope i could do it tmrw early in the morning and it would still be ok (bel


Aloha! Just got back from Hawaii today at 5am (technically yesterday), a 5 day trip i made with Tam. It was filled with fun time, and great beaches. We didn't talk as much as i thought we would. I blame my lack of caffeine, or my decreasing ability to speak in english. Maybe i was confined in a too indo group in Seattle. Maybe. Anyway, pictures skipped - maybe later once i had the time to transfer the photos, just wanna share my fave things that i got from hawaii. You think i'll be sharing stories about my trip? Wrong! Fave things from Hawaii: 1. White Swatch Watch - with date and day. Love it Love it. 2. Sephora Travel Blush Brush - so soft. I could've gotten it in Seattle, but it's 5.3% less of tax in Waikiki. So.. i got it. I almost bought the benetint in cha-cha. but i didn't. i should've huh? zazz. 3. Hand Lotions from L'occitane. Same tax reason. Awesome Moments in Hawaii: 1. Snorkeling - for sure!! i love it. being in the same water with the fis