
Showing posts from December, 2010
"God takes the junk of our lives, and he makes the greatest art in the world out of it. and if He was as cultured, and civilized as most christians people wish he was, you'd be useless to christianity. But god is a wild man." - Rich Mullins So wild that He could love you despite the most unpleasant things you did.
satu jam lagi saya harus cabut ke coffee shop favorit saya buat 'meeting' sama temen2 - kan ceritanya mau ke vankuver krismes ini. mohon diri dulu, ya, sodara2, buat makan. sebenernya, lagi ada banyak makanan di fridge, tapi karena angin dingin suka nongkrong di living room dan saya nga punya insulasi daging, saya suka males keluar kamar saya yang hangat cuma buat geledah kulkas dan makan. Padahal saya kelaperan blum makan [banyak] dari kemaren. eniwei. thanks to the break, blog saya jadi aktif lagi. mulai sekarang, saya tulis banyak pake bahasa indo ya. habis saya mulai kehilangan kekuatan nulis bahasa indo, nih. gawats. well, its not that my english is getting better anyway. but yeah.. wtv. peep-peep

Thoughts: Jesus is Lord

Romans 10:9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord ,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. How is jesus as lord of your life? Is he the decision maker over your life? Is he the director over your way? i have yet to find out, how is Jesus as lord over my being. please do share.

hearing and listening

just a retrospective to what happened 5 minutes ago i was concentrating on something, at the same time, listening to songs that i spiritually need and wanted to listen to. but due to my focus on this unimportant thing, i did not really hear the music (moreover the words sung) until i was done with the unimportant thing, and started to wander around my computer.. the and only then i started hearing the music. when i tune into it, i heard it and got into it. i think it's really similar to our way of 'listening to god'. you ahve to get rid of all the distractions around you, the words you have in your mind, the things that you think you 'have to do' after, the things that you have done just before and what you think of it. i guess, tuning into god is quite an art too.. such an art that i still have to find out. but this little instance that i was talking about before, was quite an "oh" moment. to shut up, focus and feel it.
"dan kami bicara, saling mengasah saling mendewasakan tanpa rasa menggurui cuma dari teman ke teman saling mendengarkan karena tanpa pandang umur kamu juga punya sesuatu yang bisa saya pelajari kamu guru yang paling patut dapat salut dalam hal memberi" terus dari ujung kamar, ada yang teriak. dan kita semua jadi lari ke corner gemeteran sambil cekikikan. we love you, boss.
misconducting a nation? i dont know what to write on my essay. it's due on thursday... ;< huuu

Rambles: language

asli, seharusnya saya either tidur atau ngerjain PR sekarang. i mean, it's almost 6 in the morning. cuma, rasanya pengen nulis. saya udah lama ngak nulis dalam bahasa ibu saya (ibu saya, bukan ibu kamu!), perut lagi lapar tapi saya tau kalau saya makan, that's another 15 minutes of straying away from finishing the tiny bits of my green screen piece. nah, hayo, balik lagi inggrisnya. disatu sisi saya pengen bisa lancar ngomong bahasa inggrisnya, ngak ngadat kaya truk tronton di hari lebaran. cuma disisi lain, saya pingin juga ngelancarin lancarnya nulis dalam bahasa indonesia. ngak mikir2 setiap sepuluh detik untuk satu kata yang pas, atau menulis bahasa indo dalam struktur bahasa inggris (seperti apa yang biasanya saya sering menemukan diri saya membuat. <- ya seperti barusan). hmm.. apakah ini artinya kecepataan berfikir saya sekarang mulai menurun? seperti stamina saya dan kekuatan saya untuk bangun pagi? AH TIDAK!! hidup ini begitu... ps: bus 41 mulai beroprasi lagi. it
bagus ya? :>