
Showing posts from April, 2008

running away

Ack! i have no dang idea what my brain is capable of and how fast it could direct myself into a space where denial is a mere retort. seriously, if i were Silas in The Da Vinci Code, i would inject nails and thorns to my body and pray to god to forgive me. But thank God i wasn't. The story goes, remember what i said about my "full of love" 2008? i guess its getting real. i mean, i've met a few boys (and disgustingly one man!) and get involve with two of them (one of them is a man, no f-ing way, right?!). Oh dude, im so afraid that the man is going to read the blog, so i won't talk about him. shit. that means he'll be able to guess what i think by reading the story even if i dont tell him. shit shit. ok, stop cursing johanna. Maybe for binus friends who knew my icky story back in year10 with a friend (who's according to Almira is in Seattle right now) you'll see my pattern of denial. it was around one year ago, i guess, when i found out that a guy in my

being hypnotize for the mere fun of it

the session after lunch was opened by a hypnotist who is a part of the seminar. He was saying that hypnotism could be used as a way of healing through brain re-programming. obviously, brain re-programming don't work on me, but it does on some people. (oh my gosh i felt like peeing.damn it, how can i get out of this place? urrgghh... it's leaking) ok, i'll start to do some hypnotism on my body. "you feel just find. you feel normal. you dont feel like peeing. you don't want to pee now, you'll pee later, you'll find a way out later, you will concentrate on the seminar and you wont feel like peeing anymore... in the count of three you will wake up and find yourself feeling like non-peeing. one... you feel so much relaxed, two... you could concentrate and three, wake up!" well, what do you know, it worked half way. see, i could concentrate a little more, I've put up my legs so i wont leak. no i can't hold it anymore, i'll pee. yeah, left the sem

Jogja Bootcamp 2008 (part5): Penetration Technique and Internet Marketing Strategy

with Mr.Kadek ( or ) 1. what can you market? you need a unique product with good quantity of product knowledge. 2. after you found that product, ask these: a) is there demand? check on keyword tools: or . sell your product world wide - it is possible to erupt big demands. Choose the 20 highest keywords (according to the average search volume) and don't use more than 20 keywords on your website. b) who's your competitor? check the first 10 websites on google, and see the competititon and their page rank (page rank is on the google toolbar, just below the adress bar). make a specific domain for each type of product you sell. c) wanna do a competitor analysis? has to be: i) one easy click on a user-friendly and search-engine-friendly web design: put yourself on the costumer's shoes: make everything easy, information filled, tell them why they should use your service, categorize the web acc

lelucon bapak-bapak Jogja Bootcapm 2008

Waktu hari pertama masuk ke jogja bootcamp's hotel, saya langsung bertemu dengan bapak-bapak yang dikelilingi asap rokok tertawa terbahak-bahak. Memang agak menyebalkan harus duduk disebelah orang merokok, tapi harus buat apa. isi tempatnya emang orang gokar semua. Hari pertama saya langsung ketemu Pak Gagat, Pak Murwat, Pak Eko, Pak Fauzan, dan bapak-bapak yang lain. Memang sejak awal saya bodoh dalam menghafal nama, makanya saya lebih sering memanggi semua orang dengan atribut-atribut unik masing-masing. Seperti Bapak yang pakai Laptop Mac, Bapak yang pakai kaca mata hitam di hari pertama, Bapak yang punya kembaran dari kota lain, dan Bapak-bapak satu geng makan malam bersama. Ceritanya si Pak Gagat ini punya joke seru. Gayanya mirip Tukul tapi ngomongnya mirip Oprah. seru tak? yang ndak tahan itu kalau semuanya udah ngeretek (merokok), tapi yang menyenangkan kalau bapak-bapak ini mulai mengeluarkan lelucon-lelucon mereka dalam bahasa indonesia beraksen jawa. coba saja, sekarang

does rupert grint slouch?

i haven't got a chance to watch this!!! dang i so wish to see Grint's acting on another movie than on Spider Man, err... i mean Harry Potter Series. i watched a part of it on you tube, the part when he said "you swallowed the f***ing key!". that was dang funny. There's just one thing i wonder through out that 2 minutes scene; does he slouch? he does doesn't he, try to check the scene ::here:: and tell me what you think. yes, that link means it'll lead you straight to and don't worry because Indonesian government doesn't ban it anymore. thank goodness! As far as i can tell, grint's acting is getting much formed and his 'stage presence' (sorry for the theater terms) is felt, though his movements are small, require less space than Julie Walters and his emotions are conveyed through small smiles and hardly burning anger. His character is that true english gentleman and his character work showed how shy that character really is.

indo-malay heritage: batik boom

On this left hand corner, you'll see a graph of batik trends according to . the upper graph is the search volume on internet (through google) and the lower graph is the news volume. See, from 2004- mid2007, the search volume for batik is almost too small to graph. But according to the news reference graph, the news found on internet about Batik is sufficient. Howerver, that's not my point on writting this. Im talking about that graph on the right hand part, yes that line that rockets sky high on the search graph. around the month of july, the keyword "batik" was searched by Indonesian almost like a severe virus. The point market with "F" is about a Malaysian Specialist who showcased Batik at Rizqun Hotel. One theory, that boom happened when people started searching again for batik as the international fashion market started to show a tendency to explore patterns and Asian influenced fashion sense again. Fortunately, i have been eying ba

pop culture on dads and an artist's dream

waktu semua peserta seminar sedang berkutat dengan blog-nya masing2 di wordpress, saya merasa bahwa saya tidak harus melakukannya. karena saya sudah ber-blog di blogspot. sembari saya mengetik ini, saya ber-chatting dengan ayah saya yang ada di ujung ruangan. dan tiba-tiba, saya tersentak kaget karena ayah saya menulish kata-katanya dengan bahasa "CH" yang jijay bajaj... seperti "nggak bisa masuk ke fire fox, niCH" atau "mau buat blog, tapi gak bisa masuk ke web-nya, tuCH". haduh, ayah saya itu kenapa?? beberapa saat setelah pembicaraan blog yang agak melelahkan (dan jam tidur siang yang kian mendekat), saya berniat untuk keluar dan mengeluarkan apa yang harus dikeluarkan (pipis-frase yang sangat puitis bukan?) dan begitu senangnya saya saat mendapati bapak honda ada di luar. tanpa ba-bi-bu, tentunya setelah menyalurkan yang wajib disalurkan, saya berbicara sejenak (setengah jam) sama sang bapak honda. Sang seniman dalam 'theater blacks' (pakaian s

Jogja Bootcamp 2008 (part4): create an internet traffic based community

Traffic Based Community by the's two co-founders; Mr. Ramya and Ms. Anantya, in a interesting photographic presentation that is just what design is all about . 1. consumer/client traffic: mencari client baru lebh cepat 6x dari pada mempertahankan client. perbandingannya 1:6 2. people power: lebih banyak orang, lebih kuat 3. maintaining traffic: buat menjadi repeated visitor, visitor jadi costumer and costumer yang tadi bisa membuat visitor2 jadi costumer2. and the list goes on. traffic+community=costumer 4. fungsi dasar: source database ( that main money making machine of yours ), next strategy base ( to renew or correct your data with better marketing strategy, etc ), research/survey ( feedback dari costumer ) 5. salesman: costumer is your salesman, your competitor's costumer is their army. "its an open war" quote dari Mr.Ramya 6. Apa yg bisa kita dapatkan DARI costumer :: A) Database: i) basic profile of costumer- bisa meningkatkan kedeka

relief borobudur

inget nggak sih lu, waktu kita dipaksa nonton film dokumenter tentang borobudur di lantai enam yg super dingin itu? sampe kita semua nyontek dan saling bertanya "patung apa aja yang ada di tempat ibadah itu?". sekarang gue nonton film-nya lagi, bo! dan gue merasa kalau dulu gue terlalu mendengarkan dengan seksama sampai-sampai gue masih hafal cerita-cerita binatangnya itu. masih inget nggak lu, yang ada burung berkepala dua yang akhirnya mati karena makan jamur beracun? (pertanyaan ini ditujukan ke anak 11Art and Bio -waktu itu kita masih klas 11 ya? wah, ingatan gue seru juga. huehehehehe. buat yang udah cabz, sorry that u've missed a lot, dear...) dari film ini-lah kita mendapatkan frase "mas-gan" a.k.a mas ganteng. sekarang gue kenal sama director dari film tersebut. weleh-weleh, kurang senang apa lagi gue? nama bapaknya itu; Mr.Honda. hmmm... agak nyentrik juga bow. ya, sama kayak kita lah... anak2 art kan semuanya nyentrik. sebentar lagi gue bakal training

Jogja Bootcamp 2008 (part3), nationalist and borobudur

Feeling nationalistic, anybody? that's what i think in this place. to build a golden era for indonesia; that's the vision of the bootcamp. cant help to feel an urge of positivity once i listen, thinking "maybe i could be a part of this. maybe i could build the next borobudur". this is the man, rigth in front of me, that i should be listening from the very beginning. dude, i am SO thrilled. He is (Mr.Honda) talking about the very basic thoughts of mine about the arts and culture in Indonesia. He made this short "film" or rather moving pictures about borobudur; titled "The Beginning of Borobudur". a temple, an ancient architecture, a building of stone in shape of The Lotus. He made such film since 1996 from collecting data after data of the architecture. He combines Buddhism myths and reality. The movie has a lot of sketches of man, statues, stones with special locks and all of them he did with a spirit to bring Indonesia to a better state. i was str

fashion heritage

i just searched the recommended web by the speaker right in front of me, he directed us listeners to a web which might be the next web that i'll love; there's this article about the batik pattern ikat trend happening all over the world. vreeland with those long dresses, cavalli did it, armani as well, you could name a lot more designers doing these stuff. i wanted to post a picture, but maybe later. cuz i cant, im in a seminar :P later !

live from jogja bootcamp 2008

hannah just text me inviting me to the JIS Fun Fair but unfortunately i am in jogja right now, attending this so-called Jogja Bootcamp 2008. see, we had the seminar in UGM (universitas gajah mada) and the room in which we are getting all sorts of information is filled with men typing away in their personal notebooks. all of them are so apt with their own gadgets. some are opening their friendster, some are possibly trying to hack the system down (yeah, going all Die Hard 4 hacking type). anyway, they are still trying to connect the people down to the internet. so the seminar wont start in like 30 seconds. that means, i got time to write. yay! besides me are some important people that might see me writing this... that's why i'll write down their names later. i just created a domain. dang... well, there might not be anything in there yet. but please, adore my good works later. (i'll buy one for .com as soon as i became a real designer) here i'm gonna learn

jogja bootcamp and rented laptop

so here's the thing, my dad signed me up to a bootcamp at Jogjakarta, Indonesia for four days. My dad is coming with me and he got his stuff set up for the bootcamp, leaving me with no gadgets to bring. The internet bootcamp compel its "campers" to bring their own laptops. "each should have one" they said in the registration form. i was like 'oh ok, where am i to get a laptop in such a short notice? what am i, donald trump rich? '. my dad came up with a brilliant suggestion; 'let's buy one' and i was almost shocked with thrill i almost fainted. but to make a long story short we didn't buy a laptop for me, because my college (cornish college of the arts) asked their coming student to use a mac book with lots of details on the gigs, ram, intel core duo thingy. it cost about 2,000-ish, so i might have to save up first. Therefore, my dad came up with another brilliant solution; 'lets rent one, 700.000 for 7 days'. the laptop arrrived

indonesia; tumbling down as commodity prices rocket

no, i am not talking about youtube being banned from Indonesia (now the ban is lifted), or about Jawa Barat Governor Election having 50% participation. No, i'm talking about a matter much worse than my internet entertainment and my city's governmental system. I'm talking about the financial condition of my country. My private financial adviser, my dad, just told me about what Bloomberg wrote about indonesia's fanancial condition in three months to come. At first i didn't understand all those stuff about obligations, exchange rates, inflitation and currency weakness. but as my dad explains little by little, peeling off each layers of the problem like the world's best professor, i began to get a good picture of indonesia's money matter (or rather a bad, disdaining picture). Bloomberg wrote " The last time Indonesia's rupiah depreciated due to rising commodity costs was in August 2005, when a jump in global oil prices increased the cost of a state fuel

tags for polyvore (this has nothing to do with my post)


haa !

questions to answer: 1. Who has a better "intently listening" smile than Rupert Grint? 2. Which Ron story do you like the most? a. quidditch champion b. potter's bestie c. granger's future husband d. spidey phobic 3. what can you most associate with the man in this picture? a. hip hop b. ice cream c. converse shoes d. driving lesson e. all of the above ps: i have nothing better to do, really. i had the laptop all for myself for the whole day. so, here goes everything that pops into my head :) The answers are all according to you, because all of them are opinion centered questions.

how to enjoy a book for free

Unless the library has the most amazing and extensive collection of newly published modern lit, you had to go to the bookstore - if you're in Indonesia or Spore then go to Kinokuniya - to read the latest published books there. 5 reasons why you have to do it: 1. its for free 2. you dont need to own the book 3. it's free 4. able to check out the boys that go into the same section of the bookstore 5. do you hear me, it's for FREE! Like a couple of days ago, i started to do this technique again to read another book of Lemony Snicket; book #7. it's about how "it took a village to raise a child". well i skipped some pages that doesn't have anything to do with the story (like when Snicket is trying to tell us what is the meaning of "superlative" or when he tries to tell the readers to stop reading the book) and it does safe some handful of time. So there was i, at 3.30pm-5pm, reading the book and finished the 5th chapter. The first time i did that was

been bitten, once healed and now sicken again

dude, i thought i was healed, that my mind does not wander to a specific name every now and then, and that my lips does not lurches upward every time i hear a voice. man, i cant believe that this "boredom fling" of mine doesn't sound like a fling anymore! and i hate to admit that the love bug's venom is in me again, just because of last sunday, yesterday and today! dude, the "naturally shy" (as i quoted from the man himself) has the sweetest, most charming smile i've ever seen. i cant say that he didn't looked like Rupert Grint. It's not his looks that attracts me the most, really. it's the beat that he carries around, his adorable whistle, his smile and_ oh, S***T these stuff sounded like i'm head over heels for this boy. man, i am NOT crazy about him. yes, i do slept 2 hours late because of him-running around in my head (this idea of mine about him, that is running around my head). and yes, i had to admit that every time he bang the cym

binus year book 2007

Oh my gosh, i cant believe they picked out this picture of me. $*(@#. that's all i could think of. i am so not photogenic, i'm a dang photographer fer cows sake! i direct a person to model and pose, not to be the model being pictured. man oh man. The only year book pictures that i like from the whole 68 of us is only; Yoga (clean cut-nya), Meiling (the classic pose), Putri (senyum cantik), Andreas (gaya super), Anya (lighting-nya), Alin (ke-modelan-nya), dan you're not gonna believe this, louis (dark air-nya kerasa bgt, ceritanya kan dia jadi penyamun). ngomong-ngomong tentang louis, gue, ames dan meiling pernah ngerjain mr. ismail fida lewat telepon pas pulang2 dari puncak kemaren, dan di tengah-tengah program prank call itu si mail mencemooh teman se-band-nya, ya si luis tadi. sebagian kecil pembicaraan di telepon waktu itu: J: men, di band elu itu ada siapa aja personil-nya? (pertanyaan ini diajukan karena ceritanya gue adalah seorang penyiar dari prambors fm dan sedang

what a good friend

yah, inilah kawan, buku yang pernah saya berikan pada kalian untuk kalian isi (read: jeanice, rossy, ferna, nonee, jlo, ames, metta, dedep, etc)... Disini, saya dan adik saya berfoto bersama dengan salah satu buah tangan seorang teman yang sekarang telah tinggal dan belajar dan kemungkinan besar akan bekerja di Singapore. Namanya adalah ames, dan lihat disana ia menempel sebuah gambar lelaki ter-hot di seluruh hollywood :P pastinya, suami gue bakal jd orang paling ganteng diseluruh dunia, walaupun tidak aneh jika lelaki di gambar ini akan menjadi suami gue (di kehidupan berikutnya-dimana kita semua tinggal di mars dan berciuman diantara kaca baju astronot sambil melayang di udara menyanyikan lagu-lagu yang hanya bisa dimengerti oleh pramuka kelas tinggi karena liriknya ditulis dalam sandi morse). eniwei, percaya atau tidak, saya merasa sangat sedih saat ames pergi. dan lebih sedih lagi waktu dia memberikan foto rupert grint ini karena wanita fashionable ini tidak akan hang out bersama

life retold, recaptured and repaired

tunggu tanggal mainnya :) The "Dear Sir," draft will be known by the name of "Life Retold, Recaptured and Repaired". I know, i know that's dang long for a book title. but what the heck. i love the name and the philosophy behind it. Well, as i said before, wait for the day that the draft down there will be binded and sold. Comments are more than freely welcome. please, please comment on the stories i wrote so far so that improvements and improvisation could be added :D sort of a group effort with a single head and a pair of hands writing these stuff down till morning light shines. "Dear Sir", is my first novel draft that got published in my own blog. again, comments are welcome. i hope money will come through it, fund me to college or something. but for now, enjoy the story and wait in suspense for what's coming up to a life of Abby Clarisse (the girl with two first names) as is written in the Little Red Book of Love and Life. A little news from you

noodles, doodles and toodles

Noodles: these days, noodles are constant menu in my digestive system. from kwetiaw, chicken noodles - or mie, as we know it, ifu mie to bihun. the best place to eat some fine noodles in Indonesia is obviously Kelapa Gading- Jakarta, or at Siantar and Medan- Sumatera Utara. Doodles: took so long to upload these pictures :O i'm giving up, i'll put up the doodles later. the series is called "How to Over-Analyze Yourself" its another post it doodles project. i didn't scan it like the last time, instead i took a picture with a webcam. it's on 8 mpx so, that's probably what it took so looong to load. :| So, pictures later. aight? oh, there it is now :) i've reduced the size sooo low, you cant even read it :( For reference, read Colridge's various poems of nature and beauty. you'll see how great the god we're talking about up there. Toodles: that's it for the day :) "toodles!" as sharpay might say. ps: gue ngantuuk berat, padahal