being hypnotize for the mere fun of it

the session after lunch was opened by a hypnotist who is a part of the seminar. He was saying that hypnotism could be used as a way of healing through brain re-programming. obviously, brain re-programming don't work on me, but it does on some people.

(oh my gosh i felt like peeing.damn it, how can i get out of this place? urrgghh... it's leaking)

ok, i'll start to do some hypnotism on my body. "you feel just find. you feel normal. you dont feel like peeing. you don't want to pee now, you'll pee later, you'll find a way out later, you will concentrate on the seminar and you wont feel like peeing anymore... in the count of three you will wake up and find yourself feeling like non-peeing. one... you feel so much relaxed, two... you could concentrate and three, wake up!" well, what do you know, it worked half way. see, i could concentrate a little more, I've put up my legs so i wont leak. no i can't hold it anymore, i'll pee.

yeah, left the seminar for about 15 minutes and got back here to write on coffee break. how dedicated was that? anyway, about the hypnotism, the session was started with a small presentation of what hypnotism really is by Mr. Alexander Kurniawan. It all make sense to me because somehow i knew about these stuff, its just that i never really do it in reality. First, the speaker asked the whole room to close our eyes and started thinking about how heavy these eyes are. He kept saying that we should say to ourselves about how heavy our lids are, how they glued together and how hard they are sticking together that it's hard for us to open them. The hypnotism work for most people, but it doesn't for me. shame. then, came the harder one; we had to hold our hands and started thinking and feeling how those hands can't separate. that last one works for me, just a little though.

then next part came, the speaker called eight people to come up front and get hypnotized. That was so funny. first they cant remember their names, then they can't remember the number five, six or seven (they count like 1,2,3,4,8,9,10...), then a bunch of other funny jokes. But then came the funniest part, two funniest part to be exact. there was 3 men left, they all are pretty much sleepy from all the hypnotizing. one man was told that he could see through women's clothes and could see women's underwears. i was panic, but it was so DANG funny. like you can't tell if he could really see them (like acquiring sudden power as in heroes series) or it's just his imagination doing all sort of things. me and the person next to me, mbak weni, langsung mencari perlindungan dibalik tas laptop dan layar laptop. hmmm... dude, i wonder what he could see? me on black lace bras or me on minisets :P


  1. hueheu.. i'm the one who suppose become victim of hypnotism.
    -my English not so good so use bahasa aja ya :D-
    pas pertama diminta nutup mata bisa berat banget..pas diminta buka tangan juga berat..pas diminta tidur..berasa agak ngantuk..tapi gara2 sebelah gw ngakak sambil gerak2 jadi bangun hahaha

    untung gak ikutan sampai terahkir.. nanti bisa2 ikutan yang pake kacamata ajaib :D

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