
Showing posts from May, 2008

bener-bener, dah!

Q: how's school? A: pengangguran buluk ini masih dalam masa penantian financial statement. tapi ngaku ke advisor di kornis-nya sih "dalam proses di bank". pede-nya bener-bener, dah! Q: what's new? A: i went MIFFY exhibition in erasmus huis!! love-love-love Dick Bruna's illustrations and cover arts. He's among one of top list of art link with Hundertwasser, Matisse, Chagal, Ledger, etc (it amazes me that i still remember their names after 6months of no art history classes. how that tortures my soul!). Q: how's your week? A: nothing to do, but there are some personal projects i'm trying to finish. like completing my Kumon English Lit (im on the last level and i'll have the final test on wednesday. i have 70pages of worksheets to do), i'm making collages for my kodok-friends-diary, i'm trying to renew my website with fresher information on arts (currently there's none), and i'm trying to write another chapte

worship like a true big momma

kalau hati sedang galau, coba deh meloncat sambil nyanyi-nyanyi like a ture big momma in a black choir. it's so fun it almost drain your will to be paranoid of the future. beberapa hari ini gue selalu tidur dibarengi dengan lagu2 rohani, gitu. rasanya enak sekali, tidur tenang. paling afdol kalau sambil nyanyi lagu-lagu hillsong and planet shakers yang thumping, terus lanjut ke yang mendayu-dayu. lu bisa sekalian nangis bombay. ngomong-ngomong tentang nangis bombay, sekarang gue agak jarang menangis waktu lagi nyanyi. rasanya ingin menitikan air mata, tapi selalu aja ada yang ganggu kekusyukan penyembahan. haha. contohnya, pas gue lagi seru-serunya mengangkat tangan dan bernyanyi (gak tau lah suara gue kaya apa pas nyanyi. yang gue tau, besoknya gue agak serak), bokap gue ketok2 pintu kamar yang gue kunci dan minta gue ajarin si jovi (ade gue) buka internet dan download apa gitu. gue langsung pegen gigit pantat kambing. hari selasa kemaren gue dateng ke farewell-nya si pete. agak s

i am completely exhausted

train station in Jogjakarta - stasiun kereta di jogja. jamnya vintage gila <3! i found myself sighing continuously and working off my brows till they are tired as hell (and cant get back to their normal frame like position). and guess what made me so tired both spiritually, physically and more emotionally - yeah, school. ternyata lebih enak sekolah dan nggak memikirkan uang dari pada tidak sekolah tapi memikirkan uang. ya seperti gue sekarang ini. lelah lelah lelah. tiga hari yang lalu, tepatnya hari jumat gue merasakan titik jatuh dunia gue. hari selasa-nya, gue kehilangan anting gue. ini nampaknya karma karena gue pernah ngetawain hari disaat ia kehilangan antingnya. Gue bilang "klo anting itu punya elu, ya pasti balik. sekarang pertanyaannya; elu nyolong apa kagak, fer?" gue yakin ferna marah sama gue waktu baca tulisan gue di cbox-nya. tapi nyatanya dia hanya menampar gue dari jauh dengan tulisan "*plak!*" dan hal itu cuma gue senyumin karena... well, cant re

pertanyaan meiling dan salesman alam sutra

Karena meiling nanya mulu gimana fotonya dia di yearbook, gue akhirnya post juga. di post yang ada di beberapa bulan yang lalu, gue perbaharui dengan foto2 yang lebih bagus. ada foto anak2 semuanya, ada fotonya ames sama si mr.alien (tiba2 gue lupa siapa namanya. mes, siapa nama boytoy elu??), dan fotonya ames juga. silahkan klik disini . gue baru selesai potong rambut adek gue sama pembantu gue. tangan gue kegigit gunting terus. tapi gue jadi merasa tambah jago, hahaha, ada physical evidence kalau gue udah motongin rambut manusia-manusia di sekeliling gue. a news flash from me, i dont remember if i've told you before, about mr.kantong kresek guy. havent seen him for months, but there's a chance that i'll meet him @ pete's farewell. Pete is the youth pastor back at church. he's going back to oz and we're all sad that's he's leaving. but that's the problem with being in the expat society. people just keep coming and going. like mr.kantong kresek. he&#

stomach rumblings

Sometimes, i felt i only could increase my height by eating lots of stuff, gaining the normal weight and thus started to grow before it's too late. but my body gets sort of weird, like too much food in the last one hour could get me hungry again, but with the feeling of having some "wind" -ya kayak mau kentut, tapi gak bisa keluar2 gitu- in the digestion system that i thought i should fart some out or poop some before i could "feel" like eating again (padahal gue udah laper). well, this is how my body could un-cooperate themselves. I just came from Odessa Studio in Darmawangsa, for church band practice. Sometimes, or rather most of the time, i sing for the band do a lil' WL stuff. but i love more to sit behind the keys and play some tunes while singing altos. the spotlight isn't on me, which is just perfect for my down-to-earth persona. oh, really, are you joking, joe? Like, you know all the security guards in Lorentz and Binus. that's not just down

a new hair dresser in town

To commit myself to the glory of beauty, i have recently learned how to cut hairs ( i mean, be a hair dresser and learn it from a real hair dresser too). gue merasakalau bahasa inggris gue makin lama makin turun, atau gue makin lama makin males pake bahasa inggris, karena udah nggak sekolah dan nggak wajib ceplas ceplosh pake good grammar english (kecuali di greja, that's obvious). eniwei, i've made up my mind to write all these in english. i got to, that's the only way i put my 500-something (or was it 600something) toefl score back in business. gue motong rambut dua orang kemarin; Mas Arun (office boy kantor nyokap gue) and Kak Lita (assisten bahasa inggris nyokap gue). Kak lita udah agak tua, umurnya sekitar 40-an, udah ubanan, udah penyakitan juga. rambutnya ikal-ikal gitu dan pendek. ceritanya gue kasih tauin dia kalau gue udah pernah potong rambut orang-padahal blum. terus dia waktu bikin appointment itu, langsung tanya gue mau dibayar berapa, dia tawarin 15ribu. Gue

choco loves

kadang gue merasa butuh asupan energi. rata2 mereka datang dari coklat. sayangnya kalau gue batuk, gue rentan bgt sama semua yang berasal dari susu, termaksud coklat. so here i am craving for that milky chocolate from Cadburry and the taste of Oreo's powerful blend of dark choco and vanilla cream. fantabulous! i gotta wake up at 5.30 tomorrow and do a little morning jog with my neighbors. hope health will come into my body soon. i've been continuously sick for too long (yeah, since december 2007) ps: this is my set from, codename: tresdivine, come and join the fun!

love closes the month of april

Leading back to the posts before, love strikes back, or rather the topic of love strikes back on conversations between stranger. Now, it's not just a middle aged man that asked about my single status. A taxi driver asked that of me as well. crazy, huh? here's my conversation with him. Set= BlueBird Taxi after a swim at Citos Joe: "good day, sir" Mr Tono (yup, that's his name aight): "where to, young lady?" Joe: "cipete, take that left turn right in front." Mr Tono: "Sure. What were you doing in Citos?" Joe: "oh, i swam at the club" Mr Tono: "Not with your boyfriend?" Joe: *smiles* "no..." Mr Tono: "you have a boyfriend right?" Joe: *thinking that she should lie. she's afraid of being raped just because she's good looking -due to the wet hair and built swimmer boody- and single* "hahaha, yup" Mr Tono: "aren't your boyfriend asking you where you go? cuz, my niece has a p