
Showing posts from January, 2011
and so i sat and wonder. im drawing up blank. One, i have now idea what im going to say, but i know i have to say something, leave them with something to carry home. Two, i started getting distracted with the book of eternal procrastination damnation (you know, the book full of faces you know. fesesbuk). Three, oh my gosh he's so cute! *stop panic attack stop* HOW COULD YOU SEE HIM AS CUTE, Johanna?! stop stoppppp!! Uncle, away you from my face. *muka merah padam, hati jantungan kaya hampir ditabrak ojek* Yak kini saatnya tarik nafas dalem dalem, dan mulai fokus lagi. YA'OLOH INI KUMAHA!
frankly, i care very much of what you're going through. i'm just not someone who likes getting her hands dirty with the feelings and emotions that covers your solution. i blame my sensibility. i blame my uncaring characteristic. but seriously, if you fake a smile, i would consider that you do not want help and that i better stay away cause you got it under control. own up to it, and tell, if you really want the help. i can't do that for you.


sangat ingin upgrade 500d canon gua jadi T2i.. bisa buat bikin video. terus gua tinggal maen, maen dan maen. cuma gua ngak mau seru yang sementara. anything sementara itu nga seru. tapi gua juga ngak tau seru yg selamanya itu apa? jadi, in the mean time, kita seneng-seneng yg bsk ngak seneng dulu kali ya.

glitter di mata

it snowed again. i had a blast eating appetizer and dessert with ms. nitiutomo today @ joey's. they had the nicest chicken wings that u can blast with fire right on spot to make em crispy and smokey. love love. hari ini devi cerita2 soal kegirangannya sama molecular gastronomy. seneng bgt liat org excited. beneran ada glitter di matanya. kapan ya, johanna bisa dapet glitter di matanya juga? :P

Minggu Ini

kamar saya bau gas. saya baru matiin heater buat seluruh rumah. karena januari kali ini bakal sedikit lebih frosty dari januari 2010. januari 2009, i remembered it vividly was thick, white, cold. and i loved how beautiful it was. frickin beautiful i almost frosted to death. this sunday the snow fell without commitment. the moment they hit the ground they turned to water and i was left exasperated. where was the promised pile of white, fluffy things on the ground? i know you could never trust weather forecast in seattle. they change so often it only gives you false hope. but in anycase, saya cuma mau ngucapin selamat minggu baru. nikmati, nak. minggu ini cuma sekali. Mmm, as a secret saya mau bisikin something.. *pssst* pret. bye!
sangat lapar.

BAHASA: Jangkar dan Kematian

Saya pernah berpikir kalau saya tinggal disebuah bubble kebahagiaan. Saat orang lain menderita, saya masih bahagia, saat saya sedih.. akhirnya saya tersenyum lagi walau orang lain tetap menangis. Satu hal yang saya yakini, saya bisa bahagia (joyful, not mere hapiness) itu akrena hidup saya udah ada yang jaga. Sehisteris-histerisnya, saya ngak bakal pernah kepikiran untuk berhenti dan lari. Tapi, ditempat lain, banyak orang yang ngak tau mau ngapain lagi. Kayaknya bubble adalah metafor yang salah. saya ngak hidup dalam dunia saya sendiri. saya ngak tutup mata sama sekeliling saya, atau menjauhkan orang keluar dari radius hidup saya. ngak. cuma hidup saya ngak terbawa jahanmnya kehidupan. ini bukan sombong, tpai kalau kemenangan udah ada di tangan, kamu bakalan jalan diatas indahnya kehidupan dan bukan didalam gundahnya. guntur bisa membelah buritanmu angin menarikmu ke perairan lain ombak besar menghanyutkan tubuhmu layaknya menjatuhkan jangkar kamu takan pernah terbawa badai ya, tetap

Job: what makes him stand

To really enjoy God's words more than daily food, was what Job said. Not only he remembers them, he treasures them. Despite how life was treating Job (shameful sickness, death of all of his family, sudden loss of financial investments, sudden loss of friends) he keeps saying that God knows what he is doing, and even if he comes with his arguments and questions to what makes God allows so much sadness into his life, the thought of it still terrifies him. Cause he knows, God is the God Almighty. Who is the creation to talk back to the creator, why do you make me this way? Still, Job never turns back from God and he kept his hopes in God who had always guided him, and blessed him. 13 "But he stands alone, and who can oppose him? He does whatever he pleases. 14 He carries out his decree against me, and many such plans he still has in store. 15 That is why I am terrified before him; when I think of all this, I fear him. 16 God has made my heart faint; the Almighty has terrified

Speaking in Tongues according to Paul

13 So, when you pray in your private prayer language, don’t hoard the experience for yourself. Pray for the insight and ability to bring others into that intimacy. 14 If I pray in tongues, my spirit prays but my mind lies fallow, and all that intelligence is wasted. 15 So what’s the solution? The answer is simple enough. Do both. I should be spiritually free and expressive as I pray, but I should also be thoughtful and mindful as I pray. I should sing with my spirit, and sing with my mind. 1 Corinthians 14:13-15 Praying in tongues is your private language to God. It's like a direct connection. But as paul said, your mouth can go rapid fire, while your mind stays vacant. The solution would be, sharpen your mind! be expressive with your words as well as with your tongue. The context of the chapter was Paul asking the Corinthians to edify the whole church by speaking in 'human' language, rather than in the spirit's because when somebody else understands it, they

Random Thoughts

i cut my tongue with my teeth its frosty outside i think my lips dried up i lost my lipbalm im sick infected two days ago i prayed for healing it came during the time i needed it now its back and tomorrow i need it gone again there's a white frost strip on my neighbor's roof i find it funny that the sun didn't melt it
HAVE A GREAT/ SWEET /AWESOME/BLESSED "two thousand and eleven"