
Showing posts from August, 2012
The time has come again, to see where I am at. ya tuhan gua ngak ngerti ini gimana. gua ngak tau mau gua apa juga, jadi gimana gua mau ngomongin next steps kalo gua ngak tau apa2 gini. hancur lah hancur. I really need to pray about it. I really need guidance, more than just 'everything is going to be fine', god. really. Give me something.

2012: Naruto Comeback

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Devi has succesfully bring me back into Naruto. After seven years of Hiatus, 100-something chapters, I am back on the band wagon. Now reading chapter 342, the most profound thing. Read this Shikamaru's dad: (talking about Shougo game/ Japanese Chess) Who's the king? Shikamaru: The unborn children who will be the village's future ninjas We're fighting, striving and pushing for the next generation. This is our cause, the reason we always reach for the better, even if it meant sacrificing our comforts or breaking the norms. If you want to be stronger, you gotta find someone you want to protect, right? So, this sounds like the right way to go. Fight for the kids.
Si papih, dari ngomongin indomie bisa nyambung ke cari pacar expor kirim2 indomie ke texas.. bokap siapa yang paling kocak? bokap gua bokap gua! Hari ini kerasa kaya hari Jumat. Even Rendel thought so. Trus malem2 sambil meeting sama Lee, sambil maen sama Momo (nama sandi) anaknya. Gila, gua uda lama bgt nga ngobrol sama anak cornish. and meeting Momo again was a breath of fresh air. Finally a young designer talk! hehehee. Gua seneng maen sama Momo, gara2 anaknya diem2 dan aneh, tapi gua bisa be myself around him (consider the 'english' part of our friendship. it's pretty impressive that i can translate all my weirdness into this second language around Momo). nyah nyah nyah. *pat pat momo*

rahasia blog

gua harus bilang ini ke seseorang dan gua pikir, mungkin gua bisa tulis di blog gua ini- yang nga banyak pembacanya. ini rahasia, jangan bilang siapa2: kadang2 di kantor gua suka buka (____) karena nga comfy kalo pake (____). katanya buat support. kok support bikin kesel? -____-"