
Showing posts from January, 2009

Harus Berjuang!

Hidup itu gak gampang. Bahkan waktu dunia lu lagi baik-baik aja, lu butuh semangat yang bisa membuat elo melakukan yang terbaik setiap harinya. gue capek banget. ngak, bukan karena apa-apa. cuma kurang tidur aja. jadi otak gue gak lancar jalannya. buktinya dua jam kelas design fundamentals, satu sculpture baru pun gak ada yang jadi. this is crazy, man. padahal gue udah minum satu cup of coffee - and it didn't help me out at all. they say coffee wakes you up, it didn't work on me. gue ada meeting jam 6 sore nanti. mau bantuin si Jeun bikinin poster senior music recital-nya. i dont know why she trusted me on this so much. i mean, im a freshman and she's a senior (jazz major. seru kan?). Makanya, i jump at the first chance of helping her out. sekarang kelas udah selesai dari jam 4 dan gue masi di kelas gak bisa kerjain PR jadi cuma main geo challenge di facebook. dan kayanya skill gue gak nambah2. ntar malem juga mau langsung ke greja untuk prayer meeting. padahal gue bener2 p

beaten out?

I am beaten but not broken. I believe in divine purpose, and i believe in a life set by the divine calling of God in our lives. Things are not going according to plan, but through this i learned a lot. I have a tendency to pray really hard when things went totally out of hands. when the light at the end of the tunnel is not visible anymore. And at such time, as history tells it, things began to work in wonders. I believe, and such faith has grown much, much stronger now, that God will do an amazing things tonight. Ivo told the group today to "concecrate ourselves for tomorrow God will do amazing things" as told in the book of Joshua. And trully, it just hit me now (like a minute ago) that the word was spoken to me personally. God told joshua more than three times to not be afraid "for the lord your god will be with you everywhere you go". and i trust that. what god has opened, no one can close. what god has closed, none can open. one call with my Dad changes my worr

Interior Design?

Something i was interested in Elementary School. To be completely truthful, i was inspired by Ajes yg nulis di buku gw kalo cita2nya mau jadi interior designer. Gw pikir,wah keren bgt namanya, gw juga mau ah! jadi in-te-ri-or disainer! Setelah lama di cari tahu, akhirnya kecantol sama lighting and room coloring. Cuma, pas masuk SMP mulai beredar isu karir yg lebih seru namanya grafik desainer. which is what im doing right now. Sayangnya, di SMA gw bener2 suka banget bikin movie, atau lebih tepatnya trailer dan mini clips for music. Maka itu, gw jadi tertarik masuk Motion Design di sini. Namun, karena plus-minusnya leaning towards Visual Communication, akhirnya gw ikutan vis-vom. Belum ketemu serunya sih, gw masi nunggu kelas Freehand. Kalau gw gak cepet2 diajarin, gw belajar sendiri! Anyway, here's a little peek to Interior Design. taken from and i'm a sucker for big windows, high ceiling and open space since elementary school, i totally imagine


gawat cowo ganteng di greja gue masuk ke otak gue terus. walau dia udah tua, kalo senyum lucu bgt. tiap kali gue mulai ngomong pasti dia langsung nyengir sambil pundaknya oglek-oglek. ngetawain gue sih, cuma kan... AH TIDAK STOP JOHANNA!!! nanti akan ada cowo yg seumuran sama elo dan seganteng dia dan sepinter dia dan semenarik dia dan sebaik dia... tunggu aja... tunggu aja... gawat gawat. dia mirip sama mr.pitsburg cuma versi cina-indo. bedanya dia jauh lebih vokal dan lebih kocak. gawat gawat. stop stop johanna. tidur sana!

the song i've been looking for

is found! You're Holy by Darlene Zschech (wait, is that how you spell her name?). This song has a beautiful meaning to the lyrics. Y ou are holy, holy Lord there is none like You You are holy, holy Glory to You alone I'll sing Your praises forever Deeper in love with You Here in your courts Where I'm close to Your throne I've found where I belong Amazing isn't it? Simply soothing melody and humbling words. I am in love with God right now. Yes, my world may not go according to my wishes right now (as a matter of fact, my world is crumbling down by days), but just walking with God step by step, it has opened my eyes to so much more than i could ever planned for myself. Now i know how it feels like to be in a place where God's words are being shared daily. You are daily touched by God's goodness and i dont ever want it to stop. no one can take this joy away from me. not even my worldly circumstances. amen.

gw lagi di kelas

dan pikiran gue bener2 gak disini. mungkin karena Tuesday itu hari bangun pagi nasional - jam tujuh udah harus bangun dan berangkat ke sekolah jam 8. that's way early for my biological clock. atau mungkin juga karena kelas gue baru lagi dan temen2nya pada gak kenal2 gitu. dan gw lagi lemes ngomong. maka itu, walaupun ada cogan yg duduk pas didepan gw, i didn't do anything special. ha3. ok, gw jadi senyum2 sendiri. description: brunette, pake kupluk, shirt biru dan punya short beard. but no chance at all on my book cause he smokes. gampang kan? kelas lagi break makanya gw jadi bisa ngerjain hal2 geje begini. unlike our last class, kelas ini awfully silent. mungkin juga karena baru hari ke 2 sekolah. jadi pada blum ngobras. anyway, today is supposed to be the last day of school payment. and my account has less than a thousand dollars in it. at least 11 times more i need to get through today with no anxiety. moreover, hari ini hari terakhir joseph di states. sebal? tidak. cuma gak

Art Link: Yoko Furusho and Rodney Alan Greenblat

Too many things to mention. Bottom line is- Yoko Furusho is a Japanese illustrator. She incorporated lots of patterns, pastel colors, clear-solid-thin drawing lines and awesome little items in her illustrations (such as mushrooms, flowers, etc). Special note for Ames, she did Alice in Wonderland series too. ^sins ^moulin rogue ^hidden treasure Rodney Aland Greenblat is an american artist (who i guess is a buddhist, since he incorporated quite a few buddhist teaching to his artwork, and he did a couple of buddha portrait - of course in his naive, colorful style of work). His artstyle is unimaginably fun and bold. I love the way he uses color and the way he describe things by painting them in 2D with bld colors, patterns and full filled canvas with every possible eye catching shapes included. His works reminded me of Foster Home For Imaginary Friends - only more daring and fun. His works are just perfectly amusing to enjoy! oh, and believe it or not, he was born in 1960. Pretty cool fo

ah masa? ah masa, sih?

A new art link: Yoko Furusho. Her style is somewhat like mine, only with more pastel colors, controlled lines and detail in pattern and overall feel to it. ah masa di gereja ada cowo cakep yg keren banget? ah masa sih dia setua itu? oh pantes lo gak senorak pas lo suka sama Mr Pittsburg... ternyata lelaki ini walaupun ganteng dan lucu dan bisa maen drum (coincidence?), dia sudah bangkotan. johanna, johanna, gak pernah bener liat cogan, ya. ah masa belum dapet uang sekolah? ah masa sih gak takut di kick out? oh pantes lo tenang banget. You are fully persuaded that God has the power to do what he had promised. johanna, johanna, nunggu miracle bilang2 dong... ah masa seneng puasa? ah masa sih, gak kelaperan sampe mau mati? oh pantes lo santai aja. masi liburan kan? jadi belum kerasa pas lo kuliah gimana rasanya juggling all these activities with no food in your system. johanna, johanna, you're going to need all your luck these days, huh? ah masa besok udah sekolah? masa sih udah gak t

me and my "seniors"

i've been noticing what people have been noticing since forever. (92/93 the only time when i looked my age) i looked like a kid, there's no denying it and there's no fooling it. ^ year 5/6 (spot me yet? gw ngadep ke samping kanan, ada diantara cowo2 situ) ^ year 6/7 (all these kids are at least a year younger than i was - and still i looked way younger than them. and way tinnier too!) ^ year 11 (ha, gue kaya anak kecil ditengah anak SMA) ^ year 12 (thanks to mira yang gayanya seru, gw jadi gak kebanting sama cewe2 sexy pose diatas sana. yes, i take guru gue sebagai one of those sexy posing girls. antm bgt.) i always said to myself that by the time i'm 40 something, people will think that i am 30 something. not bad huh? well, not when i looked back on my school photos. im a KID! oh well, i could just say that my friends looked "old".

home-boy pictures

care group mission #241: sakau's birthday surprise warning - johanna's bad hair day. haven't brush it- more over washed it- not even today. lol!

sanguine phlegmatic?

(ini gak tau kenapa. tiba2 ada bruise di kaki dari pagi. gw baru pulang dari rumahnya victor/nono. ngantuk dan capek. kehujanan tapi senang. cause i am spiritually satisfied.) i just took the oh-so-popular personality test. it seems like every one i know knows their personality. this test that i took, though i can't seem to rely on my answers (30% accuracy), does not ask questions. it only asks me to pick the most similar quality out of the four qualities it shows me. one of them was like "brassy, bossy, bashful, blank" and i was like... i'm 40% bossy (oh, i totally was in elementary school!), im 10% blank, 20% bashful and 30% brassy (yeah, loud and cocky). i should've picked Bossy, but i chose Brassy instead because i think i am much less bossy than i was once, but the brassyness is still there. i took the same test twice and just go with my first intuition (it took me 4 minutes to get that word. man, i need to read my books aloud. my communication skill is real

fasting month

for 30 days the IFGF church goers are going to fast. it's the start of the year and we decided to do it for the glory of god. the special thing about our fasting is that we all will be praying for the same prayer needs of our church and we'll be focusing on God rather than the hunger and the obligation to not eat. thankfully, we'll be allowed to drink. though we wont have "sahur". this will be my first fasting. so wish me luck! (*UPDATE day 1= sucess! More praying, less ipod games, please.) ps: praying for god's wisdom in my mouth. that through me, perspectives could be straighten out. and god's love will fill the hearts of those who hears.

urban tribal

feelin urban tribal by tresdivine what i'm really into. which means, it's the next thing (so far, what i liked last season had 75% became the eye stealer this season). tribal. im still not refined on this yet. but i know a few of what i like this season: 1. Jewelries - semi precious stone rings(not the ones like diamond, emerald, ruby or sapphire which are precious stones), metal fabricated necklaces 2. Natural element on the clothing - tribal patterns, not necessarily big size and bold colors. but still organic enough that it's unique. 3. Im back on gladiators 4. Brown, Yellow and Red. Earthly colors I am over: 1. hats 2. flats 3. bright colored stockings I hate that: Seattle isn't as fashion forward as i wished it could be. At least Jakarta still has some kick to it.

happy new year!

i love you guys! i just arrived from church service/new year's dinner. the dinner was crazily fulfilling. sampe dapet left over banyak- asiiiikkk gak laper besok2! The service was great, though i was a tad tired and thus a little lemes - sampe tangan gw gak kuat nulis catetan full speed sperti biasanya. karena pas worship gw, sperti biasa, agak hyper. nyanyi, sambil joged2 dikit, sambil agak2 loncat, sambil tepuk tangan super kenceng, sambil goyang2 kaki. serasa hokey pokey. ha4. sermon kali ini ngomongin tentang tahun 2009 sebagai "the end". The end of all the bad habbits, the end of all the stupid excuses and the end of living like the world. It's time to be better. A new day is just as great as any other days. Kasih Tuhan selalu baru setiap hari. artinya, by the time you wake up, there's a whole new capacity of new thinking, new tangents to life that you could take. More than that, there's a new hope with each coming day. So if it may seemed like i have no