happy new year!

i love you guys! i just arrived from church service/new year's dinner. the dinner was crazily fulfilling. sampe dapet left over banyak- asiiiikkk gak laper besok2! The service was great, though i was a tad tired and thus a little lemes - sampe tangan gw gak kuat nulis catetan full speed sperti biasanya. karena pas worship gw, sperti biasa, agak hyper. nyanyi, sambil joged2 dikit, sambil agak2 loncat, sambil tepuk tangan super kenceng, sambil goyang2 kaki. serasa hokey pokey. ha4.

sermon kali ini ngomongin tentang tahun 2009 sebagai "the end". The end of all the bad habbits, the end of all the stupid excuses and the end of living like the world. It's time to be better. A new day is just as great as any other days. Kasih Tuhan selalu baru setiap hari. artinya, by the time you wake up, there's a whole new capacity of new thinking, new tangents to life that you could take. More than that, there's a new hope with each coming day. So if it may seemed like i have no money to pay for my next semester at school tonight, it might be the exact opposit tomorrow.

Do i have too much to hope? My conscience said i do hope a lot. But God has proven, time and time again, that i could put my trust in Him. Almost all things that i asked for has been given to me. From scholarship, to my Visa (yg seemingly impossible at first - you know the story, silahkan cek history saya di bulan september-agustus '08), to plane ticket (very last minute - 1 hari sebelum! bayangin!!), to the small stuff that i just ask God without really constantly praying for it; a fun host family, yg ada cowo-cewe di rumah, ada koneksi internet cepet, ada tv, ada anak kecilnya, gampang naik bus ke sekolah, dll. God granted the small prayers to the real big ones.

so what made this problem really special that i need to gave up on hoping?

i will pray and i will pray twice as hard.


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