
Showing posts from June, 2009

International Festifal - IFGF Seattle

It was such a fun day to begin with. everyone was boosted up with energy, the sun was shinning brightly encouraging us to lift the spirit of food loving to the world! true, i had to stay at the publication room to print out 60 thank you cards, with the help of four to five of my friends. but after that's done, the festival is still going on, we went out - raid the food- eat them up and to top it all off, end the day with ultimate Frisbee games and a 4 to 1 basketball game. trust me, the basketball game was hella fun! it's like bullying, only with a lot more laughs and stupidity.

the wedding shots

again, an action without my camera. why, you asked? cause i was busy! now, shut yer mouth! ha3 -jk. just to be frank, me and audrey find most of the spots. for this shot, taken by Stefano Salamony, spot by Johanna and Coreographed by Stefanie Lie. Made a good team, huh? we had a little after the wedding photo shoot with Mr. Salamony, Mr. Wibowo and the rest of the Downtown Crew in Pioneer Square. one of my favorite spot in Downtown Seattle. It's filled with quirky spots, fantastic finds, and shops you sure will say unique. one of the few shots of me and cinko. yeah, i got the flower (marriage invitation anyone?) and Cinko (well, it was given first to Gorby, then to Kity, then to Cing Ming, finally to Cinko) got the garter. he didn't know that it was from Ika's legs, so on a shot before this one, he kissed it and people were all telling him where the thing was from. this shot, was how he reacted. hahaha


selesai juga weddingnya ci ika... huaaaa :) sekarang mereka udah ada di hawaii menikmati bulan madu. saya ditinggal lelah karena udah pol-polan ngerjain program book, table card and escort cards buat acaranya. im just happy that it's done. sorry, i have NO pictures - what so ever about anything. I AM SUCH A BAD, BAD, documenter! what am i gonna do with my portfolio. such a downer. thank fully, some people took pictures of them. i hope i could run into those and get some for my documentation... uhh, might be pushing my luck, but whatever. minggu ini gue banyak banget dapet barang dari orang. yg mau pindahan lah, yg mau cabut ke indo, lah. dari kaos, sampe body lotion. asik? asik lah!! geratisan gitu... (stingy bgt gak sih gue??)

stalker mode

(nginep di rumah ivo - blum mandi) Ivo's place is very conducive to stalking UW's students. well, it's a UW students' apartment, in the first place. but still, with windows that big that faces the street... you can't help it. Joke! sebentar gue mau balik ke greja buat nge-print program book weddingnya ci ika. hope all goes well hope i could FIND MY WALLET. i misplaced it. please please PLEASE don't let anybody take it!!! (setelah mandi bersama bando dari temen2 bekas surprise-an kemaren)

riak tangis

saya suka bermain ibarat ibaratan ibaratnya angin , yang menyegarkan ditengah terik matahari saya cuma menyenangkan disaat saya ceria jika hati mendung, angin itu cuma jadi lada kering diatas sambel terasi cuma jadi loudspeaker 1/2 rusak (dibuang sayang, di simpen bikin sebel) jika anda tidak mengerti, yah, tunggu umur 80, pas masuk surga ( atau neraka? -oh tidak! ) tanya Chairil Anwar arti permainan ibarat-ibaratan saya diatas. ibaratnya punya blackberry, harus punya data plan buat main black berry messenger, kamu harus punya akses ke surga dulu supaya bisa tau arti permainan saya diatas. or not :)

happy birthday

For giving me the best, for being so patient with this selfish, doubtful, almost two-minded girl of yours, for choosing me despite all that, and still loving me, for making the last 19 years of my life worth living for always being there when needed and even so when i thought i didn't need you for guiding me and loving me for keeping me on track and cheering me on for rebuking me and yet again, being so patient, forgiving me for holding me when i feel worthless for smiling when i said all these for saying that you love me more than i could ever, ever , imagine for creating me so fearfully and wonderfully... oh, Lord, for being who you've always been for being the same Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. thank you, thank you for bringing me into your family since the very beginning... for dying on the cross for me and for working in me like never before. i couldn't get enough of you, father. i need you more and more. you are, surely, better than drugs. i love you, jesus. On the

Summer Cake To-Do

One of my all time favorite cake/pie is this . Only with no strawberries - just plain Graham Crackers Crust and Greek yogurt. My grandma always bought me one for my birthday the moment she knew how much i love the cake. wish i could make one. *flash* I WILL - on my birtday. Oh, yesh, i will! mental noted.
has to paint the whole night through- commission is waiting [even though the 'commission' is mere smiles and thanks from the bride] ps: just finished watching Up with Marlon and Jen. It was fun, funny, bitter sweet. uh, especially the ending. it's the saddest-sweetest thing ;(
jariku haus pletik pujangga

Rintihan Tengah Malam

kalau kamu bilang: bicara begitu terlalu "artistik". penuh lika liku, aneh didengar, tertempa makna tersirat. saya bilang: alasan kamu masih berlanjut: terkadang menjurus, terkadang terlalu abstrak. lalu kamu akan berbisik: jadi penulis saja, biar cocok dengan rambut mu yang ikal tak tersisir, biar cocok dengan wajahmu yang tak bisa dibilang cantik, biar cocok dengan perawakanmu yang mirip preman. asal tak merokok dan bersumpah serapah, saya tetap kan jadi temanmu... ya, walau kau miskin. dan berbaju hitam tiap hari. balasan saya: semua kentut itu bau kamu akan menaikan satu alismu dan aku akan tertawa kamu akan menggelengkan kepalamu: gila anak art . ps: i love you my friends. silahkan salahkan major saya, tulisan ini memang overly-sarcastic to the point of pembualan dan omong kosong, rekayasa tak berakhir. Tenang, saya tidak ada masalah dengan kata2 "dasar, anak art" saat saya mulai berlagak aneh. memang saya aneh. dan kalian tetap sayang saya. itu kan, teman yang

Red Mill

let the line tells you how good these babies are Best burger in Seattle?

Poem: Seekor Bayi

sulit jika ingin mencoret yang seharusnya terlukis, terbayang ingin bisa bicara lurus tanpa malu, biar penuh cela pun namun jika tali pusar sudah terikat siapa saya untuk melepasnya dan berkata; bayi ini kan mengungkap abu-abu dari hitam dan putih [x] click for other "poems of growing up"

Poem of Growing Up #2: Enrapture

*F growing up I'll grow deep I'll remain a child be in a perfect awe and continuously be in sincere reverence to things i am genuinely in love with and it's never you, enrapture a necklace i just bought today. shot in long exposure. all i did in ps was colorization :) [x] click for other "poems of growing up"

a poem of growing up

some went up and never looked down oblivious to the state they're in giggles and shocks of things we've heard but never experienced ironically, knowing what they did but never grasping consequence in the race, the long run i am a spectator of the lost unaware never apprehending yet still smiling this is unbelievable numbing mi amor, a pensar dos veces la próxima vez [x] click for other "poems of growing up"


Did i ever post this picture? Taken at Bellevue Square - after a little midnight movie: Valkerie. For the last one or two weeks i've bee busy designing invitations and favors for two events; my friend's bridal shower and the International Festival. It amazes me how people trusted this rookie designer. and im glad they did, because god really equipped me for those projects. i hope he kept on working in this girl's hand and head so that through the little things i did, his awesomeness will more than ever be revealed. my life is not my own. I thank you, Father, for loving me and choosing me to work on your land. Humble me down, never let me forget. ps: i love my parents. im texting them right now.

Intense Cuteness

WebLink Time! Fund them through apartment therapy's children area; has all these "hand made giving" related design/cute-cultivating ideas that will blow girlie girls' minds. check them out! a cute book cover for some sunny day trip tea party set. something i found very, very interesting. liat yg ijo kaya poopy! i want to get that one :D

iphoto library incident

i think i mistakenly delete my iphoto library folder. i managed to save some photos, but some others are gone. which includes my moving-lights shots [some are in facebook], my sculpture park shots [few are in facebook], pike place shots, sky nursery shots, etc. yeah, that sucks. let's see it as an act of saving some memory bandwidth - though i don't know what's that gotta do with bandwidth. har3. some of the ones i managed to save through FB - edited with photoshop:

Dora Mystery

Does anybody knows the word after they sing the famous "we did it, we did it, we did it, hooray!"? i am very curious. and let me assure you, i am extremely curious. i am one of those people who liked to sing stupid songs obnoxiously in public. and Dora's song is one of my favorite when i cheered for a friend. Sadly, i never get that next word right, is it "bolisimos", "polisimos", "belisimo"? Help, the song is not complete without the word! Countless sad children are counting on this lyrical emergency. you do know i was being sarcastic...

What was in my backyard

These was taken a month ago, when spring took over my camera. only the first shot is unedited. the others are color enhanced through photoshop. nothing more :)

Mr. Curtis

Hillman Curtis, how i adore your short films. thanks a bunch, xanax , for linking me these. knowing things i like made me think of these things: 0. from high school until now, i made myself sensitive to different graphic designs ; web designs, product designs, etc. 1. Through out middle school and high school, i constantly tried to write novels and short stories. none of them were finished, all of them were like a movie in my head (with specific directing and staging) 2. I started filming since my mom got a hand-me-down video camera from her friend (middle school). I never stop filming, nor stop imagining camera movement and angles since then. 3. Since elementary school, i've always liked to take pictures with my dad's cheapo camera - which i lost in middle school. (yeah, i lost a lot of things. embarrassingly clumsy, me) 4. Earlier than that, i always copy my friends' hand writings and always succeeded. Thus, my love for typography. 5. Much much earlier than that i hav

Dear Creator,

i know you're with me every single breath tells me i am loved luckily hand picked fearfully and wonderfully made blessed though i know not the things before me nor the things we've overcame one thing i know and this i know full and well that with you along with you life will mean more than just for me i love you i adore you blessed am i for in you i long to dwell forever till we meet dear, lord I Remember Clifford - Gonzalo Rubalcaba

Bridal Shower

Despite my never ending vow to never leave my camera at home, things always happen contradictory. So, im sorry people, i can't post any pictures for now. But let me assure you it was one sweetly funny night. The shower starts at 5, and the food was extremely appetizing for the eyes. They were these cute little hamburgers (low fat - of course) with baby tomato stuck with a tooth pick like a hat, a pyramid of turkey wrap, strawberry+truffle platter, green tea+choco crispy cakes, green tea mousse and fruit ball platter. All of them are cutely decorated and sized accordingly. Just across the table was yellow, green and pink M&Ms placed in an elegant cannister right beside a canister of flower and vines for decoration. The party itself wasn't so wild, nor it was sweet and cute. We had games after games that cracks every person in the house. It was due to the bra shaped paper blinding folds, the funny and easily distracted mc, the contantly cheering audience and the mc-bullying-b