
Showing posts from February, 2008

a bigger one :)

aduh, gue nggak tau kenapa tiba2 gue bau ketek. ahahhahahaha. hancur reputasi gue.

doodles and noodles in want

i wish i could be less weirder. but hey, if you think that Judy Abbot (Daddy Long Legs) is normally witty, then i am unexceptionally witty - with occasional dim wits too. By the way, i havent't get the financial statement of $35,000. So i dont know if could get into Cornish through scholarship (cuz the due date is on March 1st). Help, any rich man, reading my blog. Help me like you help Judy Abbot in Daddy Long Legs.

riders on the storm...

jakarta is having a total bad weather months. it's been this way for two months and sometimes, you who've been living in a tropical country, you just can't stand the wind and coldness the rain brings. THe weather is so damp that people are sick everywhere and i too get sick. i got typhus and to tell you the truth, it has a lot of things to do with the rain. I feel so mellow that i dont really feel like eating, then i stopped eating lunch because i'm too busy with internet, or book, or my vector project, or sleeping. haha. anyway, speaking about the rain, have you ever been CHASED by rain ? as in, you walk, and right behind you is a line where the rain starts... Dude, it's exhilarating. You're like in between two weather; sunny-white clouds and rainy-gray clouds. So you ran like a mad cow getting vaccinated for anthrax virus, pleading that you wont get wet and that you wont catch the cold. But you know how nature is, the strongest wins, so the wind blew harder an

:D smile and laugh

T hings to do before you get wrinkles: 1. smile and laugh 2. take LOTS of photographs 3. pout sexily and kiss 4. facial massage 5. stop cursing your zits and your body weight (or your height, in my case) So, i went to this prayer meeting of moms in my sister's school today. We talked about how God answers our prayers; "Yes", "No" or "Yes, but wait". After the service is over, most of the moms went talking with each other, scheduling to have a lunch somewhere and finally talks to each other about schools and teachers. They talked to me and asks of my school, i went "Oh, i went to BiNus. But i've graduated". One mom said, "Middle School ?". I laugh and answered "No, high school." And the other moms start asking the same thing and replied the same way (but in increasing level of disbelief). One, even said, unbelievably "i thought you were in 7th grade...". Aw, that's just flattering. I replied to all of them

love bugsss

nggak ketemu hari minggu di greja... malah ketemu di depan skolahnya hari senen. man, i dont know what god is playing on me. but i'm loving it. haha

international affairs

in need of money for college, so i'm still trying to find international student scholarships (which reminds me of my sucky SAT score. curses). ack... i'm so tired of this crazy feeling that put me into desperate mood for the night. am i to sleep under constant pressure of tomorrow's luck in education? Is my dream of changing Indonesian art education is that hard? I just wanted people to recognize Indonesia as a culture filled nation. not a problematic country shoved with corruption and low education rate. well, as the old people usually said, "you're a teenager, you're suppose to think that you can change the world." But, hey, you old people, don't you know that this world actually needs people with ENERGY, SPIRIT and POSITIVE thoughts like me to place this world into a better state. Mother Earth needs help. and i don't think such help could come from weary ones like you guys. We need professionals with fiery to ALTER this world into something bett

nothing much

when some people are desperately looking for a looonggg weekend, i dont. you see, having a non stop holiday is not as fun as i think it was. it is dead boring. i don't even have any fun stuff to tell in my blog. except that i finally, finally, *gosh i cant believe this* i finally watched 50FirstDates. lol, cant believe myself. I am so cinematographically-backward. Anyway, i found the fantastic website; , it's heaps fun. For you who loves music as much as i do, this site offers some great music and videos. second announcement, Jack Johnson is having a concert in hawaii. Man, am i dying to go there! it's Jack Johnson, the guy whose records are always by my side. ACK !

hey, mo-mo-money

Sincerely for the cash creator; Genghis Khan 1. i sadly have to cancel sending my digital portfolio for Cornish College of the Arts because it costs me: Rp. 700 000 or $70. When i used to send the same documents and CD for $29. curses... My canceled package arrived today in the morning and now i am trying to send the package through a different service: FedEx. Oh, TNT why can't you just send the package for $30 ?! 2. i have to rethink about my language trip to Japan, because it is unexplainably expensive. 3 months in Japan and i gotta pay; 298,000 yen or Rp 26,820,000. That does not includes food and extra charges for leisure. ACK ! So, if i still want to go, i have to take my college savings - which i highly don't recommend. 3. i spent all of my money on hanging out with ames, jc and gio the other night. now my wallet is just a red pocket with nothing in it but papers and cards. i've gone broke for a fantastically moving movie (p.s: i love you) and a super fun karaoke se

takut maling dan takut di kacangin sama bule

kenapa blog gue aneh... upload picturenya laaamaaaa ! btw, sekarang kan pas tengah malem, men. di taman depan gue bunyi klontak-klontok mulu. gue takut maling... untung gue pernah belajar tekwondo sekali. haha. nggak sampe sabuk kuning juga sih. tapi gue tau lah acap-acap an, atau baal-baal-an, magi-magi-an. ya tau lah, namanya apa. tuh yang bisa korea bantui gue... hahahah. skenario yang akan terjadi mungkin gini: joe: (nyanyi2. supaya malingnya tau masih ada yg idup) maling1: ah, lama nih anaknya tidur maling2: anak kalong kali maling1: iya vampir joe: HAAAAA ! mau maliing ya !!!!!!! hayo loh, awas masuk neraka. maling1: kabur atau bunuh nih anak ? maling2: takut masuk neraka, mas maling1: ... NIAT JADI MALING GAK SIH ?!!!! maling2: --mbak-nya udah pergi tuh mas. dia lagi ngetik-ngetik -- maling1: mumpung ada kesempatan, mas, kita kabur ajah... maling2: ahhh...samimawon maaf ya, agak gak lucu. habisnya gue ngantuk juga. haha eniwey, belajar dari kesalahan gue. gue akan membahas KANT

contacting in 3...2...1

my blog, now in non-permanent numbering. (terrible break through, but it'll manage) 1. i've finished my applicaiton to washington U in St Louis and semi-finishing my Cornish application! yay !! all i gotta do left for cornish is to send my digital portfolio, my transcripts and my toefl score. then hellowwwwhhh, ART ! 2. Just contacted God through worship at church. it was a blast. really felt the way God touches people's hearts. it's amazing how the Hold Spirit works. and how God put me in the same lift with the drummergawd as a gift for leading the worship today (gosh, i hope he didnt google me or anything. or he'll find out that i've been talking about him - apparently with enthusiasm - though not a lot. but still, where am i gonna put my face when he throw me that million pennies smile and say "i checked out your blog. it's pretty decent"? i'd go, DECENT ??!! you call THAT decent ?! and lie flat on the floor and never woke up until he kis

dua kambing arrogan

Masa kelas enam, masa-masa sebelum pubertas dan akil balik (did i spell it right?) saya dan teman saya pernah mengalami sebuah religion clash ala sosiolog-sosiolog indonesia. Seperti ini kira-kira kejadiannya... (mohon ampun sebelumnya, karena saya tidak ada maksud mengatakan hal ini waktu kelas lima. Saya memang arogan dan bodoh dimasa itu. Sekarang masih juga sih, tapi bukan dalam masalah religi.) kambing1 : Tau nggak, knapa salibnya orang katolik, Tuhan Yesus-nya masih disalib. Dan di salibnya orang protestan, Tuhan Yesus-nya udah nggak ada...? teman2 kambing yang lagi makan siang (T2KYLMS) : kenapa? kambing1: Habisnya, orang katolik cuma percaya kalau tuhan yesus mati dan belum bangkit. Tapi orang protestan percaya kalau Tuhan Yesus udah bangkit dan menyelamatkan kita dari dosa-dosa... T2KYLMS: urmmm... jooo? (penuh pertanyaan) kambing2: heh, lu ngatain agama gue ???? kambing1: nggak, itu kenyataannya. liat tuh, salibnya ada tuhan yesus yang masih tersalibkan 'kan ? kambing2:

tulisan sakti anak kecil

saya sangat percaya bahwa apapun yang kamu lakukan pada tanggal 31 malam (sebelum dan sesudah jadwal peniupan terompet tahun baru) akan menunjukan apa yang akan terjadi di tahun berikutnya. Misalnya, kalau anda ketiduran di malam tahun baru, kemungkinan terbesar adalah anda akan mengalami satu tahun yang penuh dengan tidur. Contoh kedua, jika seorang memberikan anda sebuah kejutan menyenangkan di akhir tahun, selama tahun berikutnya, anda juga akan mendapatkan kado-kado kejutan dalam kehidupan anda (misalnya: pertunangan, bonus pekerjaan, atau bayi). Dalam kasus saya, pada malam tahun baru, seorang saudara saya - a six years old electro brit lass yang harus diajari mengaku bahwa dia orang batak - menulis di tangan kiri saya "joanna is in love" dengan spidol warna biru. Saya hanya tertawa terkekeh dan mengambil spidol biru saya dari tangan kecilnya. Awalnya saya lupa akan teori tahun baru saya, karena beberapa menit setelahnya, mercon-mercon mulai meledak menghiasi langit kela

this weary soul

In actuality, i always - always - always - always love to travel. Though i did not go anywhere fancy this past 17 years of my life, but i enjoy every moment of getting to see new places and new kinds of people speaking new languages. Now that i got months and months of nothing-to-do-ness, i reallu want to spend my time to travel. I wanted to get a cultural injection into my brain. I wanted to go to japan to study its culture, or to the beaches of the world to snorkle and swim. oh, how i wish... sadly, most of these fab institutions accepted 18 years teenagers and above. I, obviously, is not quilified. My mind may talk like i'm 18, but my body is 15 years old and my hight is 13 years old. DANG! i wish i could scrape my butt so i could get taller (woott ??). haha. MAN, i'm frigin desperate. These are the list of websites that offer some awsome programs for 17yrs and above: http://f

Story of a crocodile

Mungkin anda bingung mengapa tiba-tiba saya menulis dalam bahasa indonesia. Ini semua dapat dipertanggung jawabkan oleh buku Laskar Pelangi yang sangat, sangat, sangat menakjubkan. Isinya menyegarkan tulang belulang saya yang sudah begitu rapuh karena digerogoti buku-buku teen lit yang ringan dan penuh lelucon musiman. Bukan berarti saya tidak menghargai hasil literatur generasi muda abad 21 ini. Namun, esensi dari sebuah buku yang hanya bercerita tentang cinta lutung masa remaja sudah tidak bagitu memuaskan bagi jiwa si pengangguran ini. Laskar Pelangi, buku yang saya baca hampir tiap malam selalu membawa saya ke sebuah kenangan-kenangan belajar yang penuh gairah muda. Kendati saya belum terlalu berumur untuk mengenang masa-masa SD dan SMP, namun frase-frase kecil dalam buku pertama dari lima ini selalu menyentil otak saya untuk memutar film-film sephia dari masa sekolah saya. Seperti contohnya kisah seorang Lintang (yang luar biasa pintar) saat dihadang oleh seekor buaya ukuran XXL

what did i did ??

seharian gue tiduuurrrr... di mobil tidur DUA KALI. dua-duanya mangap sampe mulut gue kering dan nggak bisa nelen. rasanya gue tau rasanya mau koit gimana. maaf, sekarang gue mau berenang (lagi) jadi nggak bisa cerita panjang. see you in the swimming pool at citos monday 6pm, wed 8am, thursday 6pm. btw, kemarin atau hari ini(jam LA), miling ulang tahun. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear. wish u loads of fun and love through all the year. remember "faith date". (untuk membaca kisa faith date gue, tunggu post berikutnya)

a story of a bird

Mari kita analogikan seorang lelaki sebagai seekor burung. dan,ehem, bukan karena ia memiliki seekor burung juga secara biologis. namun, karena banyak kemiripan yang saya temukan antara si homo sapiens ini dengan binatang kelas unggas tersebut. Walaupun saya bukan seorang penggemar burung (dan seluruh bagian keluarga unggas lainnya. terutama ayam. *hiiyyy...jijay*), namun kelakuan mereka selalu membuat saya tergelitik untuk memperhatikan (kecuali jika mereka sedang mengerubungi saya). Burung itu, selayaknya laki-laki normal, memiliki tingkat extrovert dan introvert yang seimbang . Mungkin untuk burung2 tertentu, tingkatan tersebut bisa berbeda persentasenya- namun masih dalam batas yang normal. Seekor burung, hanya senang diperhatikan . Mereka akan terbang jika didekati dengan tiba-tiba atau dalam kasus-kasus tertentu akan mematukki anda hingga mati jika didekati dengan penuh birahi (dalam kasus ini, burung yang saya maksud adalah - yah anda tau sendiri). Pernah sekali waktu, saya m

*tune of the month*

"Stop & Stare" - OneRepublic This town is colder now, I think it's sick of us It's time to make our move, I'm shaking off the rugs I've got my heart set on anywhere with you I'm staring down myself, counting up the years Steady hands, just take the wheel... "Never glance" is killing me Time to make one last appeal... for the life I lead Stop and stare I think I'm moving but I go nowhere Yeah I know that everyone gets scared But I've become what I can't be, oh Stop and stare You start to wonder why you're 'here' not there And you'd give anything to get what's fair But fair ain't what you really need Oh, can u see what I see They're trying to come back, all my senses push Un-tie the weight bags, I never thought I could... Steady feet, don't fail me now Gonna run till you can't walk But something pulls my focus out And I'm standing down... Stop and stare I thin

missing a fool

There is this feeling of expecting to hear a distinctive sound in the morning, though not hearing it did not put me into a mourning session, but such loss left a void in my heart. It started when my younger brother, joey, as i called him, left the country for Auburn, Washington. He's taking a high school completion program out there and living on his own (with the help of his house parents of course). I know that life is less hectic without him around, i feel more relaxed without his constant nagging. But there is always some stuff that i cant do without him. things i usually count on him to do, things he usually help me to, errands i usually asked him to run. For example, asking if there is a PCMCIA slot on the laptop. i mean, i cant ask my little sister to check it out. she dont even know what a PCMCIA slot is, i dont even think you know what a PCMCIA slot is. hahaahaha. poor you. but anyways, i'm not going to ridicule you further, i kinda missed my brother. kind of zealous f