
Showing posts from July, 2012

Project: Quiet

Johanna is starting a new self project, it's called quiet. It's about minimizing the noises around me, the noise inside my head. To learn to listen to God, to my heart, and to begin feeling. How is it going to look like? 1. Stop talking to myself, or to the air, or to imaginary people. 2. Try to quietly ponder. I tried it today (being quiet) while waiting for the bus. I looked around me and listened, I watched the busses went by, and a sense of peace and gratefulness came over me. For no apparent reason. Or maybe, for being where I am. Somewhere I'm supposed to be.


So, we're getting pretty serious on this motionography deal, huh? Guess it's time to set aside some real money to get a DSLR that shoots video. Let's push. Let's not settle. "never settle on ok"- that's my new motto. If we are made for glory, then glorious things we shall do.

kebantingan tulang

Jadi, bagainmana rasanya kerja di sini? Udah hampir dua bulan gua kerja disini (unless dihitung dari jaman gua intern disini.. 1/2 taon), dan sejauh ini rasanya sangat menyenangkan. For one, gua bisa kerja dengan orang2 yang super talented, dan baek2. (Tangent: aneh ya, nulis pake bahasa indo. the way the letters held up against each other is different) As kimbra says, they challenge me in the best way. Gua nga give up hope, atau jadi pengen keluar karena merasa ngak berharga, but they push me and guide me very smartly. Pernah sih kena semprot sekali, but it wasn't a biggie. Salah gua, dan gua blajar dari sana. Hari ini ulang tahunnya si pianis yang jago koding. Namanya bob, tapi nama aslinya eric. lol banget nga sih? Gua merasa bersalah karena gua udah janji mau beliin whiskey buat dia, tapi karena wallet gua nga jelas sembunyi dimana (dan nga punya duit di bank) akhirnya gua tidur dengan perasaan was-was. But, when i came to work today, si ganteng ternyata beliin di