
Showing posts from April, 2009

Design Fundamentals Project @ Cornish

After church we went to Seattle Center - where the space needle is. and Devi and Audrey shot me doing my Design project. I wish, i pray, i SO SO SO HOPE that this stop-motion thing will work. This shot was taken my Devi Nitiutomo's Nikon cam. it is and she is ggggreat. to watch it through facebook, click here

Laskar Pelangi

I've read over, and over again how people are unsuccessfully trying to translate the title of this novel turned movie. Laskar Pelangi literally means Rainbow Warriors, or Rainbow Soliders. That gets me irritated because, trully, any phrase with the word "rainbow" connected with a masculine noun to it like "squad", "gang", "crew" or what have you, will sounds funny. And with all due respect to whoever is trying to translate "Laskar Pelangi" to English, i think it's better that you use another word other than "rainbow". It makes you think of a pink pony, galloping away in lolly land. It's not as poetic as it should be, it's not as inspiring as it is intended. So, here is my proposal. "Band of Color" which is a synonim to Rainbow. The "laskar" is implied in "band" as it depicts a group, or a collection of people with the same vision. At least, that is the closest i could get to transl

Music: Beirut

don't you love the video? Come on, it's a better take - more original - than Britney's Circus.

School: One Final Down!

the CD cover project is done (above: cover art). it's done!! now i have to do my zine which is due in 4 hours and i have not do anything at all. at all!! so am i freaking out? no. im relieved that this one project is finished. Misha and Khong was great, and the book turns out awesome. here's some of the webcam images of our album art for Johnny Cash. i took all of 'em images. edit them. and send them out to misha to put the text on. the cover was done by misha. khong did all the research. her cover art wasn't printable (sadly. it was one hell of a great cover!) now i really, really have to do my zine project. i slept all night yesterday. i set up my alarm at 12, it didn't go off. am i pissed? no, im just... sighing and go to class early cause misha needs my help.

skinage: spring inspired

it's so sunny outside today. but im dog tired. i slept on most of my bus rides for weeks now, i almost fainted on my way to school today. but im good now. still a little dizzy and a little tired (or way too tired to even feel it). i just finished most of my CD cover images, Misha is compiling everything. i hope he's doing okay. i have a zine to finish by tonight. so excuse me while i give you today's shot of skinage. (better put my skin doodling for a good cause, right? -- um, like blogging? pffttt)

Art Link: Chris Jordan

Chris Jordan, a lawyer turned big scale photographer is doing this amazing work on series called "Running With Numbers". It depicts the idea that people could not comprehend numbers bigger than thousands. Like, how much is $660,693,000,000 - the money US spends on Iraq war as of today. or, how much is 384,403 km, the distance between moon and earth. I can't even comprehend the distance between the states and indonesia. seriously. Anyway, Chris was giving a lecture at Cornish College of The Arts and it was inspiring to say the least. Chris started this "environmental" photographs since 2003, with his "Intolerable Beauty" exhibition in which he shot american mass-production recycling systems. One of the exhibit is this 44x90" well-known shot of cellphones in atlanta, taken by the Hubble Satellite. The amount of waste we consumers gave out is so scary that we, the culprits, does not realize the amount of damage we created to our environment. we we

yes, it's photoshop

personally, love it.

Read: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

(an awesome read. it's the **** - for 4 stars. click here for excerpt ) i found it hilarious. hilarious and awesome and sad at the same time. no, im not talking about all emotional things that girls look forward in a book. it's not just that. it got me thinking, it got me laughing, it got me contemplating and dreaming. Horn Book stated that "The line between dramatic monologue, verse novel and stand-up comedy gets unequivocally - and hilariously and triumphantly bent in this novel." It's about a Spokane Indian teenage boy who left his reservation school and moved to this all-white high school in the neighboring city. The boy went through all these problems of growing up, facing death, and opposing differences with a great sense of humor. the comic filled book was both entertaining and intriguing. personally i found a lot of similarities between me and the guy, Arnold Spirit Jr.. Not only because we're both living in the WA state, and we're both going to a

Poem: of things

there's just so many things to say that i feel like, i shouldn't write them. in fact, i can't. it's nothing emotional. just complete thoughts and ideas that sound brilliant once i got the time to write them down. i don't have that time right now. but im so afraid that i'll lose this burst of inspiration. gushing out of my chest like a sudden burst of water a torrent, a fast moving stream suffocating in its excitement mind and tongue like a sanctified marriage fusing into one quicken the breath of the bearer i screamed! scream for it's a language all would understand i want to let it out express what this is but what words come out? nothing no, nothing could describe this i want to hold it in yes, i want to hold it in in me in me chase after me it bids to race it to catch it shoot the bullet take it down! but leap spring forward take that chance of falling down bruising yourself seize it ensnare if you must i can't let it go by or it will find another bea

check point#1

joe and mon2 pas latihan drama . satu komen bikin gue sebel. let it out, ngak boleh bitter. i go by a lot of names. there are times when people call me Hanna, times when they call me Jo, Bjo, Jox, Joe (say the "e" like "egg"). i especially save the name "hanna" just for people that is really, really close to me - my family. none of my friends call me by that name. except for Ogi and Bimo and their parents, probably because the know me since we're babies. and they are used to call me by that name. but i always told them to call me "jo". why, you might ask. it is because johanna is so scared of being vulnerable. as straight forward, careless and insensitive as i can be, johanna is extremely porcelain fragile in the inside. she have not let anyone gets inside her heart except to God and four people- Mami, Papi, Jo, and Jovi. sorry, you guys. you're in my heart, but not in the core. you know what i mean... that's why it's so hard for

Art Link: Ruben Toledo

Ruben and wife, Isabela Tuledo The illustrator for Nordstorm catalogues, The Little Black Book and other fashion reads. This amazing man has a magical hand that creates wonderful art which will get you into the dandyness and the couture-ness of fashion industry. what i love about his style: 1. elongated women, skinny fingers and big eyes and lips - what a girl should look like in the fashion world. ironically, i don't agree with that statement. 2. coloring style. it reminds me of oldies cartoons. 3. the way he dress up his beautiful ladies. duh, it's a fashion illustration! how can i not love his work? it's just like my style. amazing would be an understatement this reminds me of The Secrets of the Chess Machine book which cover is designed by Jonathan Gray.

good friday + rock band

morning johanna- 8.00 am - she was late to her design meeting. and she could tell that misha was pissed off despite his question wether im doing ok or not. he knows that things are starting to fall off from my hands. i hope he didn't talk to his friends about my unprofessionalism and how it boiled him. like he did to a friend of ours... After the good friday service at church, we went for dinner and as soon as we got back home (to ching ming's place), me and ching ming played some awesome rock band. call me a loser, but it's my first time playing the game. i took the drums and i sucked at it. real bad im not even joking. the i switched to the guitar. better. but we had to try like 5 times for a song until i got it right. my hand after h&s class. i took a shower so the marker are all faded out. i should've stopped doing this, since my skin started repelling the pen... but i don't like drawing on paper as much as on my skin. maybe i should be a tatoo artist. but t

Divine Planning?

cute singl ed socks to cover clay pots. bril! Life is full of changes. We, humans are made with abilities to adapt and to change according to our new habitats. Like those socks, after losing their partner, they are creatively re-used - thus, lost their initial purpose- to bring new life into things that might not look as interesting. Life is that way too. One might think that his/her life is set. They have a solid plan ahead of them, no plan B, only plan A. He is made to be a leg warmer, a sock that will never be complete without his one sock partner, and he will always be with his divinely set soulmate forever. But the thing is, his sock girlfriend could be another "[victim] of the Bermuda Triangle otherwise known as the washer/dryer" [ carrie ]. what's he going do then? He can't just throw his life away and pray that he will be missed. live on and live well, that's what he has to do. Plans are made for reasons and based on circumstanc

i started drinking coffee

just to stay awake at some classes. right now, im sleepy as a bear during winter. i mean, a tall drip coffee don't help. why? cause it's not hot. what's hot is the weather today which is unbelievably bright (with some wind so it's actually cool, rather than hot or cold) despite google's statement that it was suppose to rain today. i have a 2 sculptures to finish, one skeleton drawing to render, im extremely sleepy and i dont want to stay late at school tonight - because of the freaky hit-on-me accident 2 nights ago... that's that for now. oh, btw, i just have a life drawing for hours today. it was fun! of course, after 2 hours of that i started getting sleepy and after the class is done i just want to collapse into sleep.


got it. $1000. Thank You GOD!! Love love love You Lord. off to do my presentation now. will never stop praising you. my #1.

a guy checked me out - and i was paranoid as hell!

jadi ceritanya, setting: bus stop di depan coffee shop dan restoran2 tutup, dua blok dari sekolah. jam 8.20 malam. bus telat datang. kegelapan membumbung di angkasa. johanna berdoa dalam hati karena takut gelap2 di bus stop ada 2 om2 kulit gelap yg bau rokok. takut di toel, gawat dong. tiba2 dari kejauhan ada african-american dgn baju gombrong, tapi jalan yg malu2 menunju ke arah johanna. dia ngobrol sekali sama om2 bau rokok dan berjalan mendekati johanna. johanna krn tau biasanya gak ada yg ajak dia ngomong, konsentrasi ke lagu yg ada di ipodnya dan berpikir kenapa bus nya telat dateng. tiba2 the guy (by now abbreviated to "G" - fo shizzle bgt gak sih?) talked to me: G: is that for school or for your home? *mumbling* S (saya atau pendeknya sexy. HAHAHAHAHHA. ngak lah): um? G: is that for your school or your home? *75% mumbling malu2* S: home. *melihat di tangannya - sculpture buat kelas bsk. yah, salah jawab. yah, telat lah, bodo amat...* G: you own your own place? *mumblin


Finally, seattle is getting warmer. Katanya Google Weather Forecast - besok dan besok dan bseoknya lagi bakal terang dan anget sekitar 40 derajat-an. gue gak sabar mau ke Tulip garden, mau foto2 sambil bertenang-tenang. karena sekolah tinggal 3 minggu lagi. jadi tugas desain semakin menumpuk. namun, johanna masih belum kerjain tugas essay humanitites-nya malam ini. padahal besok kan gak sempet sama sekali. inilah kenapa johanna punya blog. supaya bisa menjastifikasikan kemalasannya. HA! Up there are some shots from church earlier today. It was 5 and the sun was still up (a month ago, 5pm=as dark as 7pm in indo), and i know we'll have the sun shinning till 9 in a few days to come. Yay!

shots: finally manage the time

those are some shots from the retreat a couple weeks ago - of course, it's not the place where we stayed. that's an old, scary, fantastic deserted area we found in Warm Beach. Only the ones with black frames are edited, others aren't. cause i just can't bother. one of my fave thing in that place are these two boys - an old red-orange chevy, and a yellow-orange tractor. yes, those are the exact colors of the big boy wheelies. and here's some shot of the actual place where we stayed - at least after a hike down to the beach through a little forest in which i took horrible, too-dark shots: don't be fooled by the name (Warm Beach) it wasn't warm at all. it was at least 30'F at night - well, that's not so bad. it used to snow in march there. so we're kinda lucky that it was just rainy. It's washington state, so that explains the heavy rain and the sad-somber weather. thanks to that, im kinda melancholic now. toned down from my jumpy, bubbly, sangu


kabel internet gue udah kembali hidup! Ternyata, ada sejentik plaster putih diantara potongan plastik di kepala ethernetnya sehingga komputer gue gak bisa membaca kabelnya. Marlon was like "i told you mac is an inferior product. next time a new guy came in i'll say 'Are you a MAC USER?! TELL ME! DONT LIE TO ME!!!!' ". He's just the best host-dad ever. Kalau bukan karena dia, mungkin gue masih bakal jadi Johanna yang solemn dan tenang sekali di depan respected host-parents. Johanna disini sudah berisik dan berani teriak2 di rumah orang. that's ryan (is in his own apt. now), andrea (off in london), and marlon (right next door!). liberation! kaya hidup di rumah sendiri. ps: seattle today - SUNNY!! google weather forecast is totally wrong. it didn't rain all day. but still, i skipped class and decided to do my humanities paper. which is not finished yet till now. grrrr... johana...!


kabel internet gue terlalu pendek, ngak mau ber-kooperasi. gw hrs kerja dari tempat tidur. kalo lg pake internet, gak bisa nge-charge laptop. kalo lagi nge-charge gak bisa pake internet. ( manja lu jo . ah, diem lu otak, badan udah terlalu capek nanggepin omongan lo.) see my work space? i can't work right now. im all burnt out. the sculpture series that im doing for my design fundamental class is sucking my brain out. what's worse is that i have to write a paper by tonight, and have it ready for lit class tomorrow. next, i gotta make two (im being a total perfectionist) new models for that sculpture series i was talking about. tomorrow, i have to go to school early (which i am not looking forward to) at 9 o'clock for my sculpture and a meeting with khong and mischa. im really really tired. you don't even know.

johanna is a major procrastinator

maunya jam 8 mulai belajar, tapi sekarang udah jam 9. pecundang beneran sih ini... well, one thing to think about; orang-orang banyak bgt yg follow dan jadi kayak blogger super apdahal baru mulai maen. pas gue liat2; Ooohh, blogger2 ini ternyata punya satu topik khusus. kaya; fashion, music, make-up, design, blah-blah-blah. dan gue? gue ngak pernah punya satu topik khusus. karena gue gak punya topik khusus yg gue bener2 suka sampe gue hrs nge-blog tentang itu. dulu pernah gue sering masukin resensi musik2 indie baru. tapi makin lama, gue dengerin musik yah ngak sampe segitunya. fashion, i do it for me. i have the sense, but i don't dress up for it. art school isn't the best place to look fabulous in. craft and design? really? do i have the time? school alone is killing me. kapan2 deh ya. IDEA! OH, gue tau gue harus ngapain. but i won't tell you. cause i might jinx it. well, ue harus balik ke meja belajar. charge laptop-which means not using my internet. im gonna take a show