
kabel internet gue terlalu pendek, ngak mau ber-kooperasi. gw hrs kerja dari tempat tidur. kalo lg pake internet, gak bisa nge-charge laptop. kalo lagi nge-charge gak bisa pake internet. (manja lu jo. ah, diem lu otak, badan udah terlalu capek nanggepin omongan lo.)

see my work space? i can't work right now. im all burnt out. the sculpture series that im doing for my design fundamental class is sucking my brain out. what's worse is that i have to write a paper by tonight, and have it ready for lit class tomorrow. next, i gotta make two (im being a total perfectionist) new models for that sculpture series i was talking about. tomorrow, i have to go to school early (which i am not looking forward to) at 9 o'clock for my sculpture and a meeting with khong and mischa.

im really

you don't even know.


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