
Showing posts from March, 2011

Random Thoughts: Virtual vs Real Chatter

gua ngak chatting. kadang2 gua ngerasa rada ketinggalan jaman sih. but dood, im just not a chatter, not a texter, not a phone caller. if you want to communicate with me, facetoface me. e-mail me. hard core old school, yes? really, it's the most truthful one. but yes, i do stalk ppl through social networks. tee hee.
SAYA haru GERAK CEPAT. CUMA saya takut ini pilihan yang salah. bantu doain... should i just try. if i was meant to get into the internship, i'll get in. if not then they'll pass me. oh gosh. in any case it's going to be a great job experience, it's a learning session. it'll be fun! right...? Oh, decision, decision, decision!

Ngak perlu di baca. Cuma mau keluarin unek2 doang.

saya ngak ngerti. saya ngak ngerti kenapa bisa ada orang yg bener2 suka sama satu hal (dan beberapa hal yang lain, tapi intinya dia fokus sama hal2 itu) dan bisa telaten bener ngejalaninnya setiap hari. kadang2 saya jadi bingung berpikir, sebenernya saya tuh bisa ngapain sih? disatu sisi saya pengen keren dan menjunjung harga diri berkata "ya, gua jago semuanya, bisa dong." Ngak juga sih, saya ngak jago sampe bisa bikin orang laen nyembah2 saya. saya biasa aja. saya bisa semuanya, tapi saya biasa aja di semuanya. which means, bisanya saya tuh omong kosong. Maksud saya ngomong tentang 'fokus sama satu hal' and actually being real good at it, it's in a sense that you're willing to do that for the rest of your life. I have no frickin idea of that! Sedihnya, dalam waktu satu setengah tahun saya bakalan lulus dari kuliah, yang sekarang saya anggap sebagai 'sangkar emas' saya. comfort. setelah keluar dari bangku sekolah, saya mau ngapain juga saya ngak tau.
this whole craziness about that UCLA girl, go get this t-shirt you PROUD ASIANS!
Hari ini pergi juga sama Devi and Julia ke Miro Tea, it's a Cafe down in Ballard, a place that we just discovered! I love that area. so much. like, there was so much to see, and the place was a quaint, old city type of place. so many red-brick houses, so many cafes, ale house (bar), and restaurants and clothing stores gaya2 seattle (nyantai, dan kaos-an). It's that sort of day that i would remember when i leave this town. i dont want to leave seattle. but i don't know what i would one day become. this is me, on late coming of age crisis.

The Network's Mastermind and Friendship

Saya baru nonton social network. it was a great movie, inspiring and cool. cuma gua sakit hati (dan sakit perut) ngeliat persahabatan yg bilang ilang begitu aja gara2 jealousy yg disimpen di hati dan akhirnya berbuah jadi a law suit. it was really stupid sih. gua sampe berkaca-kaca ngeliat si eduardo marah sama mark, cause it's like a walk-all-over-your trust kind of thing. i dont know if i was in that same place, i would be able to forgive that. i bet it wasn't even about the money, it was more about friendship. see fb was something they started together and it was true that a lot of it was mark's idea, but eduardo had been the first fire starter, you know. he's a great contributor, and blinded by jealousy and, i guess, pride, things just crashed and burned for the friendship part. ugh. Dari awalnya sih, gua udah rada kesel sama mark. he's kind of a douche for saying all these things to mark when he got into Phoenix (is that a frat house or something?) and i thoug
I watched NINE the musical film a couple of minutes ago. It was so full of everything. Sex, Love, Lies, Music, Dance, Film, Art. You name em. Personally, i enjoyed the movie. Penelope Cruz's part made me shook my head in awe several times. She was so amazing doing that role. I wished that she had sung the Simple song for the movie, but it didn't make the list for some reason. It was one of the most heart shattering song from that musical, i think. I had been curious about the movie since it came out in 2009, if im not mistaken. But i missed it on theaters, because none of my friends were interested. Now i watched it, and i was glad i didn't watch it back then. I was young and i should not fill my head constantly with things like that. Now that i made one exception from these kinds of movie, i'm all out of chances for the rest of the year. No more movies like so. Good night ladies.

Video Gig

Tomorrow will be my first meeting with a client/acquaintance. She goes to the same church with me and is going to get married in June. We're going to talk about the shoot will be having on saturday. Hope it's sunny and hope i'll get a lot of great shots of the couple! Pray for me!

Concept of Love

The class beside my studio was talking about: How your concept of love is always changing. That you can never understand your feelings, or other's feelings. Ones concept of love is different from another's, and so does the measurements of your emotions to other people's. Do you agree to this?