
Showing posts from January, 2012
#THANK YOU delivered from something this close your love never fails never gives up never runs out on me
waiting. what to do while i wait? worship.

Steadfast God

Because you never forget you will remain and you will stay loving strong providing greatly immeasurable is the way you make me yours you are god and i am filled with praise my heart it beats and it thumps with every words i could say or the intangible whispers that you hear i am on the floor grateful unswayable your hands over me immovable once you chose me surely i am marked surely i am pierced yours

to My Pulse

I love you I've never loved you like this like your name is a song in my heart a song the universe sings with yes my eyes had seen but my heart is still young too young to feel with courage too timid to say sorry when i fail i am honored that you let me with baby steps walk towards you sometimes dance sometimes crying head down still this heart beats in every seconds for your name, for your love you had shown me mercy through every seconds i passed yawning blank eyes watching the blinking screen goes technicolor tomorrow i won't waste it you've thawed me out don't let the snow freeze me again you're my source of being I love you, I keep you on my heart, on my lips burn my hands with your seal mark me yours, my ears pierced it
Hari pertama sekolah, 1/2 hari doang karena ada 'chance' of snow. Lucunya, di downtown (which is where my school is located) nga snowing, sedangkan di rumah sempet snow sebentar. pas gua pulang jam 3 sore, udah nga ada snow. tapi semuanya tetep putih. Katanya, malem ini bakal ada snow storm. Gua sih nga kepengen besok snow karena, besok gua harus nge-bus ke pioneer square and that'd be a pain in the ass getting through snow. So.. let's hope for the best :) nervous buat besok. but excitement will prevail? hope so.


Dalam waktu satu minggu, adek gua bakal cabut ke TX. Kondisi keuangan nampaknya ngak memungkinkan, tapi, hidup penuh harapan emang banyak cost-nya. Sekarang pertanyaanya, lu mau ngeliat kondisi lu skrg dan worry, atau ngeliat ke Tuhan dan percaya? When He tells you the direction, you follow and rejoice. -- Hasn't hit me yet, but will tomorrow. Download my new cover: First time ever I produce a cover song. Still very very rough though.
Gua ngak punya kredensial apapun untuk ngomongin tentang cinta. cuma kalo kata suka boleh dong bilang2. mungkin besok gua akan telpon salon untuk potong rambut, setelah 3 tahun potong rambut sendiri. senang banget masih libur :)


Hello 2012. Dania bulang gua kalo nulis itu seperti pake bulleted points. Saya setuju. pendek dan teratur supaya gampang dan cepet dibaca. Cuma mau kasi oleh2 dari tahun 2011, gua sama theo mencover lagu korea. mohon maaf kalo rada nga sesuai selera anda.. masih harus blajar banyak! in the mean time, enjoy :)