
Showing posts from May, 2010

i want to yell it to you

i can't understand it. i dont understand why you surround yourself with these kinds of people, keeping your thoughts to that one topic and then pouring it out on me, at the end of the day, like i'm on your side. you kept telling me that life's a mystery. it is, i agree. but if you don't make yourself form the best out of it, you'd be damn right suffer. i think all you said that night was all non-sense. if you felt guilty, you would turn away from that. but you kept on walking, turning back to me saying "sorry i can't help it," smiling, asking me to smile along. i won't give even a nod when i see you heading towards the fire. next time, i won't be polite. Damn those thoughts, F. It's about time for your fire-walled brain to snap the f u c k out . ps: you will quit saying that mine would be the same. or my father's was similar. because they will not and they did not. i have the biggest rock i could lean on. He could be yours too.
hari pertama gua stay di rumah sendirian, seharian, tanpa kontak ke dunia luar (other than through fb and email). spent on 50% watching korean drama, 30% sleeping, 15% nyate, 5% eating. skrg laper. mari cabut. Starbucks | Crazy Beliefs from three legged legs on Vimeo . to attoned for this unimportant post, im linking you a very nice starbucks ad. and, no, despite the numerous Seattlites that hate starbucks, i'm fine with starbucks roaming around the city. just try to drink from other cafes, now. (if you go to threeleggedlegs website, you'll see their awesome design process. learn loads!)


inhale! CN Blue's Jung Yong Hwa

Rambles: idols reflected on

jung yong hwa - 1989, CN Blue's hot voice leader ok. ini keterlaluan. keterlaluan! i can't believe even korean stars are getting younger and younger, they are almost my age. yes, i know im getting older (ugh, yes, this girl can't face the fact). But as daft as this may sound, when before i can always idolize the bigger, older, unreachable guys -- now i'm expected to see them in a new light (no, not that they are 'reachable' now - expecting bgt lo jo), it's more like they are asking me "where you at?" Kemana kerja keras kamu? Where has that brings you to? Yeah, my justification says people get lucky and its their luck that gets them there. but no, i don't believe in luck-based success. somewhere along the way, you work hard on something, you hoped for a big break, and you worked it things out - persevere on it. now, where's my share of perseverance? This so called daft thing now becomes a deep self-reflection. of where i should've been.
it's been a while. hi. Johanna is now on her summer break. had vowed to herself to play with After Effects - if only i could go home and start working. Johanna is now playing a lot with her friends, going to central twice every week. almost like i go to school there, but social time is always nice. On the other hand, since too much k-drama was watched during finals (in order to stay awake nights after nights) her mind has been corrupted with images of imaginary blank-faced boyfriends --- gosh, that was shamelessly told. I promise you i'm getting rid of it.