
Showing posts from August, 2008

boeing and money

Im broke broke broke! man i got 30 dollars left for the whole two or three weeks to come. Dang, dang, DANG!! why did i bought the word.mac plus extra ipod touch and extra printer! man! i am regretting this... or not. ok, i might not regret this. it's cool. it's just that, i spend too much in one day that i might have to pack my lunch (which is possibly sandwich) till next few weeks! how will i ever survive that! but i know i will, my God will provide these things. Anyway, we went to Boeing in Everett today! Marlon (my host) drive us (Joe the Indo, Ryan the vietnamese, Andrea the taiwanese and Kyu the korean) in his old 1988 Ford. The tour was $15, it wasn't exciting, but it was educative. no complains for me. just out of money, that's all. marlon said that he could tap me, but i decline that very nice offer because i haven't pay him another part of my monthly housing, how could i take so much more from such niceness? So, after boeing Andrea, Ryan and i went to WallM


Man, i dont wanna say this but i sorta hate to use mac. i just buy it and i find it pretty hard to get use to. i mean, i'm so intune with microsoft that i dont think mac has the ability to surpass microsoft. but anyway, i spent a hell lot of money for the laptop. i can't believe that i spent GOSH more than what i expected. I though i just need a mac book pro and a CS3 application. But na'ah, i need an office.mac too and there's this promo happening and i could get a $440 refund if i buy an ipod touch for $3 and a HP printer for $10. my host was like "hell, yeah!" and we make a decision that i'll pay for these items and the refund will go to my host as if i am paying for my housing through that. i think "that's ok, i guess". Seriously, on the first day of our laptop hunt, i was so tired, i can't concentrate. i know what the seller is saying, but it didn't get to my head. i was like a walking zombie. Two days later, when i get back to t


im here! cornish is cool, the ppl here are cool too. so, be relieved you guys, haha!  Anyway, gue ikutan orientation selama dua hari, tiga kalau lu hitung hari dear-partment meeting. hari pertama sama kedua, kita kaya maen-maen sambl hangout di thai restaurant, jalan2 ke capitol hill, ke dance center. it was ok. i get to talk with lots of these kids from different departments. ada amy and mariah from theater (and the boys from theater who are wicked funny), mara and ashlee from design, there's meygan from dance, michelle from interior, ichel (the music sophomore), vicky the piano girl, jake the theater sophomore (lumayan...ehem2, ada jenggot dikit yg mana adalah daya tarik versi aneh gue), some art boy and art girl yang namanya gue lupa, terus ada bbrp anak lagi... total2 ada 23. hari pertama gue pulang early krn hrs set up bank account in the back of america. i got lost for 30 minutes downtown and i walked back home, took a bus. Di hari ke-dua kita makan thai food and jalan2. sela

got it!

Got it! Got my visa (in three hours), got my host family confirmed (just now!), got my plane tickets confirmed (to taipei. still waiting for confirmation for a plane to get me to Seattle). So now, what i gotta do is: 1. shop for bare necessities, becuase im leaving TOMORROW! 2. send an e-mail to my homestay agency about my plane tickets and who should pick me up 3. send the copy of my passport to Syscom (an agency that has helped me with my tickets and questions) along with my visa This is the beginning of the next chapter of my life. Walau gue ngga punya duit, i know that God will suffice. Just like what he did today. The hope that he has given me will never fail me. Thank you God! Love love love You!!! He answers all my prayers. He put my feet on solid ground, a firm place to stand. My God is an awesome God. Is yours as awesome as mine? :) *update: gue udah selesai packing (jam 12:54), sekarang mau e-mail homestay agency gue untuk pejemputan gue di bandara. I'll leave tomorrow a


Yay! good news, i got my visa! Thank GOD! Even when the visa officers knew that i have not pay my SEVIS fee, they still allowed me to go into the office, have a little interview, and had the chance to get my visa! i'll take the visa and my passport and my I-20 on moday, which means i'll leave on monday noon. Now i need to pay my SEVIS fee, however i need to enter my I-20 numbers (which are now in the possesion of the embassy). i have no idea what's my I-20 numbers are. MAN! now that's another praying matter... So help me lord, what's my i-20 numbers? *Update: i finally went back to the embassy, get my i-20, photocopy it, get my sevis fee done, returned to the embassy and finally learned that; i can't get my passport back and photocopy it. which means that i wont be able to purchase a flight ticket anytime soon. but im still hoping to be able to fly to seattle on the 25th. i'll pray for the best of luck!!

Marry Blair

Yes, another art link! Remember what i said about my love for the 2D Ratatouille (and Samurai Jack and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friend, which will come in another posts. promise!)... well, here is an artist with similar style. Only, she's a Disney Legend. She helped built a disney ride, she drew Alice in Wondreland for Disney, she do the captain of The Lost Boys too (well, you guessed it; Peter Pan), Cinderella, and more! She wasn't so much of a big hit in her time, but now...she's a modern cartoon legend. Her colors are amazingly variant and though her designs aren't as dimensional as some art schools expected its students to do, her shape and colors convey really strong emotions! I took these pictures from (my newest fave site), (notice the book covers) and (my fave blog to check out too!) So, without further ado, i give you; Marry Blair! Her biography; "The Art and Flair of Marry Blair" ft. Ali

ratatouille and everything in between

a shop in japan that has the words "cute diplay" written all over it Bu Rita, guru SMP saya, pernah bicara bahwa menulis judul harus setelah seluruh karangan diselesaikan. karena, judul itu ibarat wangi dari sebuah makanan. jika makanan tersebut harum, kemungkinan rasa dari makanan tersebut itu enak. Nah, maka dari itu karangan ini tak saya beri judul dulu. Pembahasan pertama, lusa saya akan ambil visa. masih interview, tapi saya deg-degan sekali. mengapa? karena housing belum juga di confirm sama agency saya. saya baru satu jam yang lalu mengirim e-mail, dan si Jeff belum balas e-mail saya. Padahal disana sudah jam 8 pagi, which means it's office hour. Pembahasan kedua, baru-baru ini ada rouge antimaleware yang masuk ke laptop keluarga. menghilangkannya susah sekali. internet jadi lambat, banyak pop up yang keluar setiap 5 menit. benar-benar mengesalkan. setelah berkelut kesah dengan google, saya mendownload sebauh aplikasi anti maleware beneran, tapi akhirnya tidak memp

Mr. Eric Hutchinson

The thing i love about this guy, is that his voice is AMAZING. and he's really talented. He played piano and guitar, he wrote songs that are soul-y, sweet and sing-along-able (dont mind my vocabs). One of his song that i love is "Ok, it's alright with me", "oh" (got that down there) and "rock and roll". just listen to him and you'll see. However, what shock me is that... he looks extremely familiar. you wanna know why? He looked like Mr. Peettsburg. Do you know that guy? mr. gue cabut 10 hari lagi, yang dulu gue suka. (ditulis dalam bhs indo supaya klo dia google gue dan menemukan blog ini, dia nggak bakal ngerti any of these things) They both are brunette, tall and skinny, talented with music (Mr.Burg can play the drums, guitar, piano, and sing!) and they are both geeky-funny... MAN! Can you believe how shock i was when i watch this man singing the tunes i love? this one is for my personal use :) got it over the net. C - F - G - C for each li

Cant help but write again...

about the things i love this week: 1. Birds and chicks (i know you know that i am afraid of chickens, but i adore their shape. not in real life though. ugh! ) 2. typography and cut off letters and numbers 3. man made squares 4. The movie "Once". With Irish plus Dublin accented english, the movie ranked just below Amelie (another one of my faves). The movie is filled with songs after songs that breaks my heart. You know the song "i dont know you but i watch you..." yeah, that's one of the song i this movie. I love this award winning movie. Nothing goes according to the usual plot of a romantic comedy, which suits me fine but left this missing block of a " perfect happy ending" feel. but hey, i LOVE the movie. so, watch it. :) 5. Found 2 sites i am subscribing to: * a scrapbooker's journal. she's the talented loveelsie's designer, whose name is obviously elsie . * another designer's journal. Grace Bonney , a contributing editor at Domino

berharap banyak

"You are young and I was scared You're wise beyond your years But I don't care And I can feel your heartbeat You know exactly where to take me" Seventeen Forever-Metro Station Not my fave music, but its worth the time. like the lyrics, very teenage love affair - first try *wink*, not that i've ever been in such situation. haha ngomong2 tentang teenage love affair, gue takut gak punya cowok! AH! It feels like, "i'm eighteen and never been kissed" is not a very charming introduction to my life. Anyway, saya sedang berharap banyak. banyak sekali (bukan, bukan soal being kissed, tapi soal housing di seattle nanti) sampai doa saya "god, you know what i need and what's best for me. please, please, please give me the best housing. short commute, internet connected and a wonderful family to stay with, amen." Baru saja saya daftar ke agency housing yang ditunjuk kedua orang tua saya. hoping for the best, is what i always do. and now i need some

good cop, bad cop

well, i didn't really have this adventure hand on, but my dad and grandpa did. see, this is the second time my second grandmother got rob by her maid. The first time, her maid took $300 and now she took $ 1,000. At first, my grandmother is like, forgiving... a bit startled and shocked, but forgiving in the end. This time, she called my dad and my opa (like the last time), and my opa said that we've had enough robbery, it's time to take it to the next level. So, there goes my dad and opa and my grandma and her whole house hold; her chief maid, her maid, her gardener and her security guard... to the police station! according to my dad, he and opa didn't want to go to the police at first. but opa finally said "ayo kita ikut saja, penasaran saya belum pernah melihat orang di interogasi polisi," so off the join in the fun. Setelah tiga jam lebih interogasi, opa gue tertidur di belakang kantor polisi. Bokap gue cuma bisa cekikikan pamit keluar dari sana dan mampir k

things i adore

These stuff are not written in any sequence of randomness what so ever. i just love their forms and shapes and beauty and their essence in daily life. You think that's a lot? still more to come. most of the pictures are taken from;,, and some other blogs in blogger that i can't remember (will put them down once i check my history) umbrellas street lights, lamps nature's texture: trees, roots, and feathers man made squares: windows and doors dailys: city and beach naive; kids, sweets, cakes, baloons, toys, children lit

cherry on top!

Hello, i'm getting back on my artistic-self. i am taking the creativity on the loose and brace myself to meet my art links who have inspired me so far. guys, meet Bella Pilar. A fabulous fashion illustrator. My newest design-hero. News from Polyvore, I did this set a couple of weeks back. i love the fall colors in this set, definitely would wear them this fall. Though the mini dress means extra stockings and scarf to use with, but i love everything on this set. The book is just an accessory, because i have not read it. Talk about love, i recently fell in love with Times Bookstore in UPH Lippo Karawaci with their amazing book collections, amazing interior design and architecture. i feel like i could spend the whole day reading books in one of their cocoon sofa! I didn't take any pictures, sorry, but i will next time i visited.