got it!

Got it! Got my visa (in three hours), got my host family confirmed (just now!), got my plane tickets confirmed (to taipei. still waiting for confirmation for a plane to get me to Seattle).

So now, what i gotta do is:
1. shop for bare necessities, becuase im leaving TOMORROW!
2. send an e-mail to my homestay agency about my plane tickets and who should pick me up
3. send the copy of my passport to Syscom (an agency that has helped me with my tickets and questions) along with my visa

This is the beginning of the next chapter of my life. Walau gue ngga punya duit, i know that God will suffice. Just like what he did today. The hope that he has given me will never fail me.

Thank you God! Love love love You!!! He answers all my prayers. He put my feet on solid ground, a firm place to stand. My God is an awesome God. Is yours as awesome as mine? :)

*update: gue udah selesai packing (jam 12:54), sekarang mau e-mail homestay agency gue untuk pejemputan gue di bandara. I'll leave tomorrow at 2.00pm, guys!

lots of love and kisses and hugs <3 Joe


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Joe, remember this.. ntar kalo lo dah nyampe sana terus if you ever encounter friendship problems.. if anyone ever break you down... (I HOPE IT'S NEVER HAPPEN THOUGH ;b)
    Remember you still have us! your friends back in Jakarta. And we know who you are (not entirely know because you know yourself better of course! hehehe)and WE ALWAYS accept you! No matter how strange you look or how peculiar is your behaviour because we are in the same 'quirkiness community' too.. hehehe WE ARE DARE TO BE DIFF BABYY!! love love love youu.. kabar2 gw kalo mampir ke Spore!

    xoxo Ames

  3. JO! ya ampun lo dah pergi dong sekaraaang// SELAMAT YAA!!!
    :D:D cerita2 yang sering!! kalo lg ad waktu g seneng catching up sm orang2 dr blog mereka


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