
Showing posts from November, 2012

Current Status

Still hasn't apply for work, yet. I was about to when the kids asked me to watch a movie, then I was about to when Retreat was on for the weekend, then I was about to when i got really tired.. Guilty. Yes. Despite all that, I have so many things to say. So much happened during the Retreat week. So much was crammed into my head - in a good way - but it'll take sometime for me to process all that. I am, as few know, is slow with grasping personal feelings and changing perspective. I would write it all in a blog, but I have 3 personal statements to check (friends. i'm not applying to another school until i make some good load of money. haaa). So, with that said, I'm off. ;P
There's just so much internal stuff going on these days. I feel like I can't shut my head off from going "i can do it" to "this is the scariest shit i need to do for myself." If this is the beginning of flipping adulthood, I am hoping it gets better. Do you see where I'm going with this? FML. as in, Freeze My Life. Just for, you know, like, 1 month, lemme figure this out quietly. aw crap.