
im here! cornish is cool, the ppl here are cool too. so, be relieved you guys, haha! 

Anyway, gue ikutan orientation selama dua hari, tiga kalau lu hitung hari dear-partment meeting. hari pertama sama kedua, kita kaya maen-maen sambl hangout di thai restaurant, jalan2 ke capitol hill, ke dance center. it was ok. i get to talk with lots of these kids from different departments. ada amy and mariah from theater (and the boys from theater who are wicked funny), mara and ashlee from design, there's meygan from dance, michelle from interior, ichel (the music sophomore), vicky the piano girl, jake the theater sophomore (lumayan...ehem2, ada jenggot dikit yg mana adalah daya tarik versi aneh gue), some art boy and art girl yang namanya gue lupa, terus ada bbrp anak lagi... total2 ada 23. hari pertama gue pulang early krn hrs set up bank account in the back of america. i got lost for 30 minutes downtown and i walked back home, took a bus. Di hari ke-dua kita makan thai food and jalan2. selama makan gue kayak ketawa mulu gara-gara kita maen "would you rather" and the boy next to me was like "would you rather sleep with george clooney or tom cruise? hmm... i have to think about that". we were laughing our ass off, vicky's face was all red. ters cowok theater di depan gue makn baby corns sambil ngobrol sama makanannya. Disana gue sadar betapa bedanya joke orang US sama Asian-Australian.

ps: gue lagi coba upload photo dari kamera gue, tpai kok si mac ini nggak nerima device-nya, ya... AHHHH!!!! C'mon man, be cooperative with me!


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