johanna is a major procrastinator

maunya jam 8 mulai belajar, tapi sekarang udah jam 9.

pecundang beneran sih ini...

well, one thing to think about; orang-orang banyak bgt yg follow dan jadi kayak blogger super apdahal baru mulai maen. pas gue liat2; Ooohh, blogger2 ini ternyata punya satu topik khusus. kaya; fashion, music, make-up, design, blah-blah-blah. dan gue? gue ngak pernah punya satu topik khusus. karena gue gak punya topik khusus yg gue bener2 suka sampe gue hrs nge-blog tentang itu. dulu pernah gue sering masukin resensi musik2 indie baru. tapi makin lama, gue dengerin musik yah ngak sampe segitunya. fashion, i do it for me. i have the sense, but i don't dress up for it. art school isn't the best place to look fabulous in. craft and design? really? do i have the time? school alone is killing me. kapan2 deh ya.

IDEA! OH, gue tau gue harus ngapain. but i won't tell you. cause i might jinx it.

well, ue harus balik ke meja belajar. charge laptop-which means not using my internet. im gonna take a shower, eat something ( i just ate, but im starving again- you know me.), then start working on my sculpture. bye.


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