riders on the storm...

jakarta is having a total bad weather months. it's been this way for two months and sometimes, you who've been living in a tropical country, you just can't stand the wind and coldness the rain brings. THe weather is so damp that people are sick everywhere and i too get sick. i got typhus and to tell you the truth, it has a lot of things to do with the rain. I feel so mellow that i dont really feel like eating, then i stopped eating lunch because i'm too busy with internet, or book, or my vector project, or sleeping. haha.

anyway, speaking about the rain, have you ever been CHASED by rain ? as in, you walk, and right behind you is a line where the rain starts... Dude, it's exhilarating. You're like in between two weather; sunny-white clouds and rainy-gray clouds. So you ran like a mad cow getting vaccinated for anthrax virus, pleading that you wont get wet and that you wont catch the cold. But you know how nature is, the strongest wins, so the wind blew harder and the line passes you. suddenly you were drenched in cold torrential rain and you found yourself wishing that you are a rider on the storm. At least, it will make you appear more macho. than being wet, in the middle of a cassava farm right beside your house. not cool. And with all the hobos looking at you, whistle at you bcoz they could see your bra. Now, that sucks ! thankfully, that last bra accident didn't happen. i just exaggerate so you could feel the bitterness. can you feel it ?

second anyway, i just finished reading the most sentimental, lovely, light and incredible book "Daddy Long Legs". The character, Judy Abbot, really reminds me of a curly headed, petite, dark skinned, loud and annoying girl in my head. Well, it reminds me of me. We are both starting college, and though i did not come from the John Garner Home for orphans, but we share the same talk active, cheerful yet sometimes shy character. and the ending of the story, though i guessed it, is very unimaginable. i wouldn't spoil anything for those who've never read it. but the ending is soooo funny and yet romantic in a sort of cozy way (not the ticklish and ordinary one - like the finally kiss, or whatever). i would really recommend the book for those of you who love any kind of book, like me, and up for a light and sentimental journey.

i finally re-open my deviantart account. please feel free to check in and see the stuff i made in 2007. by the way, i finally MADE a vector art! VECTOR !!! ahhh, i'm so proud of myself. i haven't load it into my deviant, but i will a.s.a.p.

PS: Cornish early application is closing up and i haven't sent 2 things to them: a foto copy of passport and a financial statement of $35,000. oh lord help me. for in my weakness you are strong. amen.


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