International Festifal - IFGF Seattle

It was such a fun day to begin with. everyone was boosted up with energy, the sun was shinning brightly encouraging us to lift the spirit of food loving to the world! true, i had to stay at the publication room to print out 60 thank you cards, with the help of four to five of my friends.

but after that's done, the festival is still going on,

we went out -

raid the food- eat them up

and to top it all off, end the day with ultimate Frisbee games and a 4 to 1 basketball game. trust me, the basketball game was hella fun! it's like bullying, only with a lot more laughs and stupidity.


  1. it looks like a really funny day! everyone's smiling, love that expression. :D

  2. Anonymous3:01 AM

    love the first photo!

  3. yea, it was such a fun day! if only there's more mingling around rather than going in groups of colleges. but still, it's a great day!



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