me and my "seniors"

i've been noticing what people have been noticing since forever.

(92/93 the only time when i looked my age)

i looked like a kid, there's no denying it and there's no fooling it.

^ year 5/6 (spot me yet? gw ngadep ke samping kanan, ada diantara cowo2 situ)

^ year 6/7 (all these kids are at least a year younger than i was - and still i looked way younger than them. and way tinnier too!)

^ year 11 (ha, gue kaya anak kecil ditengah anak SMA)

^ year 12 (thanks to mira yang gayanya seru, gw jadi gak kebanting sama cewe2 sexy pose diatas sana. yes, i take guru gue sebagai one of those sexy posing girls. antm bgt.)

i always said to myself that by the time i'm 40 something, people will think that i am 30 something. not bad huh? well, not when i looked back on my school photos. im a KID! oh well, i could just say that my friends looked "old".


  1. Joeeee there is nothin wrong with your look!! you're a cute darling. You have fierce style!!! I witness from polyvore. :D btw, love baby johanna with dad pic.


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