bener-bener, dah!

Q: how's school?
A: pengangguran buluk ini masih dalam masa penantian financial statement. tapi ngaku ke advisor di kornis-nya sih "dalam proses di bank". pede-nya bener-bener, dah!

Q: what's new?
A: i went MIFFY exhibition in erasmus huis!! love-love-love Dick Bruna's illustrations and cover arts. He's among one of top list of art link with Hundertwasser, Matisse, Chagal, Ledger, etc (it amazes me that i still remember their names after 6months of no art history classes. how that tortures my soul!).

Q: how's your week?
A: nothing to do, but there are some personal projects i'm trying to finish. like completing my Kumon English Lit (im on the last level and i'll have the final test on wednesday. i have 70pages of worksheets to do), i'm making collages for my kodok-friends-diary, i'm trying to renew my website with fresher information on arts (currently there's none), and i'm trying to write another chapter for my book (strive girl, strive!!). sayangnya, gue gak punya komputer untuk melakukan itu semua. semangat ngomong-nya bener-bener, dah!

Q: what cha doin' tommorow?
A: i'll be singing @ two hands high, trying to make a surprise video fer pete (shh... just between me and the whole world wide web, here) and gonna lead the rock kids second service. yah memang kalau sabtu minggu gue sibuknya tedeng aling-aling. hebatnya waktu weekdays gue nggak ngapa-ngapain kecuali motongin rambut orang. sibuk-nya bener bener, dah!

Q: how r u feeling right now?
A: sebal karena internetnya luamaaa. terus laper karena internetnya lama, kerjaan gak selesai-selesai, jadinya nggak jadi cepet makan. nah ini yang membuat gue kurus (dan sering sakit perut juga - karena kebanyakan angin di pertu dan nggak bisa kentut. rasain luh, jo!). keras kepala-nya bener-bener, dah!


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