noodles, doodles and toodles

Noodles: these days, noodles are constant menu in my digestive system. from kwetiaw, chicken noodles - or mie, as we know it, ifu mie to bihun. the best place to eat some fine noodles in Indonesia is obviously Kelapa Gading- Jakarta, or at Siantar and Medan- Sumatera Utara.

Doodles: took so long to upload these pictures :O i'm giving up, i'll put up the doodles later. the series is called "How to Over-Analyze Yourself" its another post it doodles project. i didn't scan it like the last time, instead i took a picture with a webcam. it's on 8 mpx so, that's probably what it took so looong to load. :| So, pictures later. aight?

oh, there it is now :) i've reduced the size sooo low, you cant even read it :(
For reference, read Colridge's various poems of nature and beauty. you'll see how great the god we're talking about up there.

Toodles: that's it for the day :) "toodles!" as sharpay might say.

ps: gue ngantuuk berat, padahal baru jam 1:40, gue bangun jam 8 pagi... which means ini berbeda dari jam biologis gue yg biasanya. gue jadi pengen berenaaang !!! >__<

pps: opa dan om gue berharap gue kuliah di CA karena udaranya lebih baik. padahal gue udah diterima di seattle.
so, pro-and-cons:
PRO: udara sangat seru, lebih banyak temen dari seattle, bakal kerja di CA juga, sekalian buat koneksi, college lebih murah
CONS: untuk transfer ke uni lebih susah, it's a junior college- you cant compare it to a 4yrs Art College, udah diterima di Cornish - sia2

bottom line: hear what god says. pls pray fer me people!


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