does rupert grint slouch?

i haven't got a chance to watch this!!! dang i so wish to see Grint's acting on another movie than on Spider Man, err... i mean Harry Potter Series. i watched a part of it on you tube, the part when he said "you swallowed the f***ing key!". that was dang funny. There's just one thing i wonder through out that 2 minutes scene; does he slouch? he does doesn't he, try to check the scene ::here:: and tell me what you think. yes, that link means it'll lead you straight to and don't worry because Indonesian government doesn't ban it anymore. thank goodness!

As far as i can tell, grint's acting is getting much formed and his 'stage presence' (sorry for the theater terms) is felt, though his movements are small, require less space than Julie Walters and his emotions are conveyed through small smiles and hardly burning anger. His character is that true english gentleman and his character work showed how shy that character really is. so bravo for the slouching (if that is what intended through the character work) that creates the whole shy personality.


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