Jogja Bootcamp 2008 (part4): create an internet traffic based community

Traffic Based Community by the's two co-founders; Mr. Ramya and Ms. Anantya, in a interesting photographic presentation that is just what design is all about.

1. consumer/client traffic: mencari client baru lebh cepat 6x dari pada mempertahankan client. perbandingannya 1:6
2. people power: lebih banyak orang, lebih kuat
3. maintaining traffic: buat menjadi repeated visitor, visitor jadi costumer and costumer yang tadi bisa membuat visitor2 jadi costumer2. and the list goes on. traffic+community=costumer
4. fungsi dasar: source database (that main money making machine of yours), next strategy base (to renew or correct your data with better marketing strategy, etc), research/survey (feedback dari costumer)
5. salesman: costumer is your salesman, your competitor's costumer is their army. "its an open war" quote dari Mr.Ramya
6. Apa yg bisa kita dapatkan DARI costumer:: A) Database: i) basic profile of costumer- bisa meningkatkan kedekatan antara seller and buyer ii) detail profile, B) Demographic: melihat main costumer kita siapa, lalu menyesuaikan barang dengan costumer. C) Habitual: gunakan habit costumer untuk umpan buat mereka disaat yg tpat sesuai habit mereka D) Favorites: polling
7. Apa yg costumer dapatkan. contoh: latest info, direct contact, info sharing, special promo.
8. costumer community: A) tau objektif anda, apa problemnya, apa solusinya B) buatlah: tentukan positioning, bentuk web community itu C) Jalanin: komunikasi, beri informasi, bangun kepercayaan, etc.
9. Objektif dong!: tujuan > brand awareness, create costumer loyalty, analytic > what to make
10. Buat dong!: A) Community Types: natural community(,, sponsored community ( B) Function Type: regular membership, forum, mailing list, groups, social network, etc.
11. Jalanin dong!: communication (direct, quick respond, transparent-tidak memoderasi), informasi (give and get, member share), trust (qualified info, helpful), Offline (gathering, call phone, etc). tapi kalau costumer males ber-komunikasi:
12. ukur web kamu: visitor, page views, referrer, conversion, sarana: free/pay software (webalizer: human visits+robotics-worm, awstat: human visits, google analytic: for analyzing)
13. tips: jadi dalang - ada di balik layar tapi bukan dikatator, tahu kapan bertindak-when to stop when to begin, critical mass-komunitas bisa jalan sendiri, akui kesalahan (be trasparent), say thanks, remember its a long term relationship, web 2.0 era of latest technology, value add.

please visit their website ::click here::
or check out one of their charming web work for children with cancer in indonesia ::here::


  1. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Halo Johanna :)
    Senang bisa membagi ilmu ke kamu, mudah-mudahan berguna ya. Sayang kita kemarin nggak sempet ngobrol banyak.
    Kalo perlu discuss silahkan ya, kita selalu terbuka kok.

    Sukses terus untuk belajar internet marketing nya.

    You go girl!

  2. thanks for that, i really need all the success wishes; saya memang kadang2 suka bantir setir jadi pengemis keberuntungan and that could really gets me going.


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