
Java Jazz,,,great one. i cant believe i goto that place. it's a totally awsome thing. there's a lot of jazz musicians coming there yesterday to performed. i watched JDS (jakarta drum school), my friend, MIRA, are one of the rebana players. andi also watched Ello(indo singer), Incognito, Sova and jazz community from indonesia. there's a los this one guitarist who played gypsies songs, that i forgot their name. but it's lovely. but there's one thing that i hate about java jazz, it's a smoking place. ppl are smoking all over the place that i cant breathe normally. I HATE IT !!!! outside of that it's cool. Oh, one more thing. regarding the food, MONOPOLY !!!we can't bring drinks and foods insice. so we have to buy some inside if we gonna stay up late. do ya know how much the mineral water bottle cost...RP.10,000 !usually it's only 1,000 !!! they are a bunch of ppl who loves ciggarettes and money. hix...but it's actually a great festival. i like it.

oh, it's been a week since i lost my cell ohone. haha ! sedih bgt.
and it's been a week since the wiz performance. on the same place as the java jazz. yeah, i'm sooo sleepy. so can we cut this one out fast ?? yeah.



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