aftermath part 2

1. since i have been through a lot of earthquakes from the last 17 years of my life, a 7 Lichter earthquake didn't really buzz me much. it was just like a little shake treatment with shaky atmosphere as well.

2. expatriates teachers were like 'oh gosh. its an earthquake'. coz sadly they've never felt it before. does that makes me really lucky ? yeah i guess.


last night my mom said that she felt another earthq last night. real small one i guess. coz none of us (dad, me and the kids) felt it and my mom was the only one who was half sleeping. all of us were having some major gossiping time. haha. i don't know it was a real earthq or anything since i got no TeVo at home and radio isnt really the family's fave... so news dont really travel fast in my place. saddening, huh ?



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