jual rumah dan badan remuk

1. perut muter, idung meler, tenggorokan sakit, mata panas dan gatal, kepala nyut-nyutan. yah, itulah yang gue rasakan sekarang. maaf post ini mungkin akan pendek. dan dalam bahasa indonesia. coz i dont really care about verbs and nouns right now.

2. tips of the day: jangan pernah masuk ke dalam bed cover's cover yang dibeli di IKEA spore. walaupun sudah dicuci tapi kemungkinan debu masih ada. jadi kalau alergi, mending gak usah sok2 adventurous masuk ke sana untuk benerin bed cover yang terlipat di tengah malam. akibatnya, keesokan hari-nya gejala menstruasi dini akan terjadi.

3. got the package from cornish through fed ex (that's sweet investment. you'd pay $30 for the package. and you'd do it for this little international student. i absolutely adore the college :)). still a question though whether i'd take cornish or wait and then take WUSTL. god, help me to make the right choice.

4. i made my very first professional brochure! my dad's IT company is gonna use it for an exhibition on the 15th. i am so proud of my dad trusting me that i don't really mind to write what ever he wants to on my e-mail to my uncle. udah cetak 1 rim (500 lembar) harga 2,6 juta di Subur Walter Monginsidi (langganan tugas graphic d gue di skola). the company, btw, is Forture Indonesia. and the product is ONSPEED "wake up your internet" it's a compression software for your internet. it compressed your internet data so small that the data you'd download for a web could come up in a flick ! sayangnya, internet di indo lagi down, jadinya kinerja onspeed jadi dikuras habis :( ini pasti gara2 fluktuasi pasar saham !

5. gue jadi ngerti saham karena bokap gue ajarin gue NON STOP ! however, i still love to listen to him talking about the market, forex, index, and all that stuff. there's this fire in his eyes. you see.

6. gue lagi jual rumah. yang mau silahkan telpon 0811944349 dgn Bapak Eduard Wattimena. rumah di Cipete 2 nomor 7. ngantong, terluas di daerah tersebut, didepan taman, bebas banjir, tinggi, surat lengkap, sementara dipakai untuk kelas kumon cipete, jalan one-way tidak berisik. harga 8M.


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