kepergian yang ditunggu

sebentar lagi saya akan pergi ke bogor untuk menjenguk seorang opung yang sedang sakit (opung-nya itu mama-nya tanteku. tanteku itu istrinya omku. omku itu yang tinggal di london, adik-nya mamiku). Opung ku ini, yang sering kami sebut Opung Boru Tambunan (opung boru karena dia perempuan, dan tambunan karena marga-nya atau nama keluarganya Tambunan), sekarat karena penyakit kanker paru-paru. kata ibu saya, kanker paru-paru bisa mengambil nyawa orang dengan begitu cepat. sedari hari vonis, kemungkinan hanya 3 bulan seseorang tersebut bisa hidup. it took a miracle for her to live longer than that. and there's been lots of miracles in her life, keeping her alive with all the medicines and stuff. last time i saw her she was so thin and pale. she only eats vegies. not that vegies are bad for your health, vegies are good (remember daniel and his three friends who ate nothing but vegies and remained healthier and smarter than the other men that ate from the king's menu?), but the cancer that's in her body made her looked thin and powerless.

i just hoped that she'd know that god loves her and He'd be more than happy to see another child of his come back to his lap. i pray that whenever the time comes, her family would find peace from god and an understanding that her final resting place is in heaven.


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