thick 2008

From the very first moment i bought a new diary (it's small, yellow and non-gridded), i thought the book might not be enough. 2008 is gonna be THICK with adventures. from the first time going to uni, first time leading the youth worship, first time living without my little brother, first time not going to school, first time being interested with mutual funds... lots of other first times. hahaha.

Anyway, Cornish had contacted me on the 28th that my portfolio has been accepted ! oh my LORD! my portfolio... i was extremely excited and relieved, i jumped around the room and i felt like crying. My mother prayed instantly with trembling voice. We were so happy. It's just my father who is not as thrilled as i was. He wanted me to go to WUSTL. i do too, but i wanted cornish more than any other schools. Dad's pretty much bummed since WUSTL didn't contacted me after my application. They said they are going to contact me again on April. so wustl is pretty much giving a straight signal. no excitement or what so ever. just pure anxiety in my end.

Next first time; first time gue punya bulu ketek ! hahahahha !! aduh, nggak ada ketek semulus ketek bayi lagi ! Karena gue bingung punya bulu ketek mau diapain (kuncir kuda nggak bisa, di cat warna kulit supaya membaur juga gak flattering), gue konsultasi sama bokap gue setelah gue konsultasi juga sama adek gue satu tahun yang lalu (si Jo punya bulu ketek duluan. biasa, dia kan normal badannya. gue nggak).

hanna: "pap, emangnya kalau punya bulu ketek, keteknya jadi bau, ya?"
papi: "iya dong!"
hanna: "waduh, mau diapain yah...?"
papi: "makanya sering2 mandi"
mami: "iya, terus nanti cari tempat kost yang deket sama uni, supaya kamu yang modelnya cuma cuci muka cuci ketek nggak capek2 naik bus" (dan akhirnya tambah bau ketek)


inilah Johanna Dara Wattimena. Merasakan sulitnya mendapat pubertas yang tertunda, merasa gue butuh pake deodorant. Bau ketek ini benar-benar mematikan. untung gue udah keluar dari sekolah bina nusantara yang juga bau ketek ! :D (lu merasa gue super jujur ngak sih?)

ps: gue baru selesai chatting sama adek gue. hahaha. rinduku padamu adikku... :D
pps: gue menunggu Year Book Class of 2007-nya BiNus Simprug !!! mana dyka ?!


  1. Anonymous11:26 PM

    udah dpt blom joe yearbooknya? hahaha i just wrote one post in my blog.. iseng2 liat who's got my name with "bina nusantara" ehhh ur name popped out hahaha


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