the middle of nowhere

A band from Victoria, Canada, went so quick into my playlist of indie. i've heard their songs years ago and yet, for some reason, i didnt know the band. i mean, i dont know that it's them. it's Hot Hot Heat. Their latest album is out on 2007 titled "happiness LTD", yet i still think that their best was the "elevator" album in 2005 which has singles such as "Middle of Nowhere" and "Goodnight, Goodnight". Shame that i just found them last week. Yet i'm happy that i finally know the band that sang my favorite music when i was a mere freshman.

Anyway, updates from my simple life;
1. My grandma is hospitalized since two weeks ago. The doctor said that she could 'go' whenever she gave up. My mom, who had lost his father years ago, knew exactly what to do. We're preparing for a funeral. But we're not giving up on her. We still pray for health, but we also pray for peace of mind.
2. I just got two e-mails from my future host mom, she has received letters of reference from Pete and Ms Ellie. She's happy with that. but she wonder if i am still interested. because her housing fee went up from $650 to $750. and she can't lower the price. so i dont know if i'll be able to afford such a living. so, that's something to pray for.
3. God answers my prayer about my leaving Jakarta. I wont leave till late august. I got my i-20, but i haven't applied for a visa. we need to confirm on a housing first (see point #2). I pray that before i leave 2HH (the youth service at church) will have a youth pastor and i get to meet him. And that i would be there when my grandmother passed away (whenever the time is).
4. Good news, i learn how to KNIT! hahahaha. feel like a granny? not really. i love it. i've made a shawl, a hat and on a process of making a cardigan. again should i say, i love knitting!
5. Last thing, my head is being filled with Rupert Grint and James McAvoy. The story about McAvoy is... Ames told me about him when we were chatting away one night. we were online karaoking and she said "jo, checked out McAvoy. You know, he's mr tumnus...". And so i checked him out, and he's HOT. my face actually flares up when i saw his pic on imdb. but after a few hours, i cant remember anything about him. until, i follow ames's suggestion to watch penelope. and at the moment i saw his face, with a hat of his head, i went CRAZY. like, "ooohhh, my gosh! i cant even breathe without smiling!". i am SO gonna watch Wanted, his latest movie. yeah, the one with Jolie. The trailer that i fell in love with when i watch Vantage Point.

so there you go, a little news from my life. love you lots and you too, mr oh-leaving-in-**-****.


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