random notes

sebanyak-banyaknya gue mau punya baju-baju keren, gue gak punya duit. sekarang gue sibuk banget belajar. tiap hari gue ada pr. tidur malem2 sampe mata gue rasanya berat bgt. sekarang aja gue baru selesai buat Journal Humanities gue. ahh, sulit sekali rasanya untuk menahan diri gak buka firefox dan maen youtube atau imeem. sempet sih tergoda dikit, gue maen ke amazon dan masukin satu bubble umbrella ke chart gue. which reminds me, i need to buy:

1. umbrella (hari ini gerimisss... uhh, gak senang!)
2. lotion
3. kick ass perfume (body splash will do actually. link-nya ini parfum lama gue...)

by the way, pas kemaren maen ke south center, gue hampir mau beli fedora hat di 21 yg harganya 5 dollar. keren sih, black and sort of warwick-y. but the shape is sorta not solid. and i asked my bro, he said i gotta buy those in ebay. it's much cheaper. but GOSH, i love tangible shopping. coz i could check them out on me, and not imagine how it would look like much alter (and sorta gamble with the shipping and the end result). well, that's e-commerce, y'all!

anyway, gue ketemu band seru namanya Hellogoodbye. agak familiar, ya! gue baru denger mereka hari ini pas gue maen ke Polyvore. kok terdengar seperti gue baru dateng ke konser, ya? hahaha, silahkan loh, di check out playlist mereka di sini.

terus-terus, another random stuff; gue sering nonton pirated movie di internet! hahaha. sekarang gue pengen bgt nonton Clue, Pushing Daisies, and some other comedy-romance movie. habis hidup gue rasanya terlalu serius, jadi gw gak mau nonton film2 yg terlalu sedih. minggu lalu gue nonton Chocolat! which is really nice, sortta sad, but it's totally YUMMY! seeing all those chocs... uuh, love!

ngomong2 tentang "love" or rather "like"... mr.bignoseguy is outta my brain wave. kita sering ketemu accidentally, tapi dua hari belakangan ini udah gak pernah. padahal tiga hari yg lalu, kita jalan bareng ke bus stop (uh, ngak juga sih. dia beda tiga meter dari gue. gue di depannya. terus gue sorta skip-walk-skip-jump-wiggle-walk gitu. mungkin dia ill-fill sama diri gue yg aneh! hahahaha!)

yah, sekian dulu. random notes dari gue. LOVE!!


  1. hohohoho Joe... I say: you gotta buy a perfume dear!
    Gw ga boong... polyvore lo diatas super duper Carrie Bradshaw and superduper YOUUUUU!!!! Gee... SJP kan punya big sexy curls and petite figure like you!! ANDDD Carrie's armcandy called Mr. Big.. which same like Mr. Bignose! hohhohohohoho WAC BANGETTT I'm so excited!! for you!!! hahahahahahhaha

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