after sleeping at 4am constantly...

i found it really hard to stop opening the internet and actually go to sleep.

so, im just gonna write something. cause for the last couple of blogs, i've been talking about fashion - thanks to antm. which reminds me, tomorrow is friday! and the AIGA group is having a tour of a design firm called SuperBig. I will join in with the tour, with or without my friends.

secondly, i just uploaded another video to *my youtube. go check it out. it'sa video room tour and me singing Corrine Baliley Rae's song. and *my website has officially been activated. there's actually one *poem there. so you can check it out.

last, i am going to write a list of things that i need to do:
1. h&s journal (monday)
2. 2 mini assignments (monday)
3. art book (tuesday)
4. conservatory field trip; camera (thrusday)
5. perspective for Design Fundamentals (next tuesday)
6. design principles book (next tuesday)
7. D. Fund final book (december)
8. Digital classes art works (december)


  1. Anonymous8:23 PM

    I like your blog.


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