i broke my promise

so i broke my promise in order to write this post. because this is unreal! for those who have been reading my blog for quite some time, you'll know mr. peetsburg (the shy drummer boy from church way back when). no, i didn't met him in seattle. gosh, that would be awkward. but i just realized that he is going to Carnegie Mellon. Yeah, that university that i was aiming in the first place. That place that i ditched for WUSTL - and for Cornish for that matter.

that got me thinking. i was so darn close. so DARN close!!!!!! if i just hell with my uncle's opinion about barren Pittsburg, i would probably be there. on second thought, maybe i wouldn't because my SAT score sucked bad. however, out of all the pain, i laughed. i laughed because i can't believe i still have the time to think about mr. peetsburg (when i actually have 2 home works to do!). shame isn't it?


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