movies made my day

After so long, so, so long wanting to watch these to movies. i finally had the chance to do so. first, i watched another rom-com tust to cool my mood before the two main ones that i planned to watch. So, i took a bite of Along Came Poly. Yeah, old movie, but i've been wanting to see it. Compared to other rom-coms i've watched, this is nothing special. I don't really enjoy Ben Stiller's romantic-comedy movies. Just because it tended to go... just a little off.

Then, came the big part of the night. After taking a week's load of laundry to be cleaned, i watched Wanted. I had a lot of bad reviews on this. My brother, my seniors, my friends. the all said that Wanted is not as they expected it to be. I, on the other hand, think that Wanted is an amazing piece of work. Not only it has a great story line (quite unexpected turning points here and there) and fantastic choice of actors, there are some pretty amazing slow-motion shots. People said there are not as much "action" as they thought they should get. I think it's just enough. Yes, there are not much bombs, blood and dying people every now and then. but the point isn't that. the point is how the man kills. the art of killing. and the fraternity as a solid government of assasins. i just love the idea. i love the movie.

Lastly, after countly nights trying to find this movie. i finally got a hold of it! August Rush! I was so happy watching it. The thrill of finding music, to just see how the boy understand music in his own way. I love every part of the movie. The build up of the plot keeps me hyper. seriously, i was cheering for august when he ran from Robin Williams. The trailer itself made me cry, so the movie was great. Though i didn't cry, i felt my music life had been uplifted. great great movie!


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