asian drama - ironically

try to talk to me about asian drama in junior high and high school, you'll know that i stayed away from it. the sadness of the stories, the predictable turn of events and the never ending complicated plots always bugged me. that's why i stopped watching them since my maids stopped getting access to those kinds of tv shows. however, in christmas 2007, my cousin; Ocha, brought with her a whole deck of chinese romantic comedy series. which we watched every night in secret (since all our other cousins aren't of age). do i love it? yes i do. i almost forgot how cute these asian drama could be. that's where the rom-com day dreamings came to my head for the hundreth time. it comes and go, no matter how hard i try to stop them.

but here's a quick way to stop picturing an actor's face (or any other given guys) in your day dreams;

1. pikirin yg laen pas keinget mukanya.
2. stop apa pun yg ada hubungannya sama dia. poster, film, musik, etc.
3. bikin ill fill.
gue (walaupun malu bgt untuk bilang ini) lagi suka sama pan wei bo. Errkk! Nama china sendiri suka bikin gue ill fill (no pun intended, tapi menurut gue asian actors are way too cute that they went from hot to cheezy). and the best way to stop picturing his face in my head, is to watch his music videos which is another level of cheeziness; asian pop singer. you know with all the nsync dance moves and the 'too cool' look. that stop 'em day dreams alright.

4. kalau itu semua gak berhasil mending lo cari aktor yg lebih ganteng biar day dreaming lo makin seru. jadi bisa threesome sama cowo2 ganteng. hahahhaha. jo, are you seriously impared?

anyway, a little quick news from my life; ONE MORE DAY AND I'M A FREE WOMAN!!! semua tugas gue udah selesai. besok tinggal presentasiin process book dan selesaiin portfolio drawing. hari ini gue pulang sambil senyum2 sendiri di bus, gara2 udah gak ada beban. badan gue pegel2 sih, but i can handle that. setelah itu semua, gue bisa nafas lega dan santaiiiii... sambil maen gitar yang gue baru pesen dari amazon (90 bucks!). dan nonton film yg ada di internet (karena miss no good episonde 13 belom keluar) sambil makan cereal. dan gue mau explore seattle. bakal seru winter ini. you can bet on it. sayangnya, kamera gue lagi dipinjem sama adek gue (dan gak tau kapan dibalikin) makanya gue gak bisa foto2 deh. kapan2 ya, gue upload foto2nya.


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