Did this earlier this semester. It's a cover art for a fantastic graphic novel about Iran before, during and after its war with Iraq. There was once when war wasn't a concern of mine. Yeah, i didn't agree to it, but it's not like it involves me or my family that i have to dwell in my disagreement to that. Then i read this book; Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi, and i was agitated with the war in Middle East. That was followed by a movie about the Afghanistan and Israel conflicts which title i couldn't recall. That movie made me realize that these people who are involved in wars is just as ordinary as i am. They could be me, i could be them. I could be the one crying in anguish because somebody bombed my house with my parents in it, and I could be the one strapped in wires and explosives all in the name of freedom. The war change people. I mean, they set a different course to life even when people don't feel it. It creates a new branch of mindset, a different appropach to life and a new set of boudaries to some sort of psychological thing.
the totally legit part of my book cover, thus my fave
awesome things found: 1. flying dreamers 2. monumental cuteness Skywalkers - Scion Art Basel 2006 from FriendsWithYou on Vimeo . i would post pictures, but blogger wouldn't let me. something is wrong with the system. huff.
the CD cover project is done (above: cover art). it's done!! now i have to do my zine which is due in 4 hours and i have not do anything at all. at all!! so am i freaking out? no. im relieved that this one project is finished. Misha and Khong was great, and the book turns out awesome. here's some of the webcam images of our album art for Johnny Cash. i took all of 'em images. edit them. and send them out to misha to put the text on. the cover was done by misha. khong did all the research. her cover art wasn't printable (sadly. it was one hell of a great cover!) now i really, really have to do my zine project. i slept all night yesterday. i set up my alarm at 12, it didn't go off. am i pissed? no, im just... sighing and go to class early cause misha needs my help.
Awal tahun kemarin aku jatuh hati dengan seseorang dan hari ini aku mempertanyakan apakah lebih baik berteman aja dengan pria ini. Lucu ya, betapa cepatnya hati ini bisa berubah. Di satu sisi aku lega logika ku sudah kembali mencuat, naik ke permukaan laut endorfin yang perlahan surut. Realitasnya, pasang yang surut menunjukkan kotornya pantai hatiku. Banyak sisa-sisa sampah dari masa lalu; ngerasa nggak layak dapet perhatian, takut ditinggal, takut ditolak, takut disakiti. Hal-hal yang ku kira sudah ku buang jauh-jauh. Ternyata membuang ide dari pikiran dengan menghancurkan ide itu berbeda. Selama 2 minggu aku bersihin sampah-sampah ini. Aku ganti ketakutan ku dengan kata-kata Tuhan yang menyatakan aku berharga di matanya, mulia bahkan (yesaya 43:4). Aku terima kata-kataNya yang bilang "Aku mengasihi engkau dengan kasih yang kekal" kalau di bahasa inggrisnya "I have loved you with an everlasting love". Sudah terjadi, sudah ku alami, dan akan selalu Ia tunjukkan pad...
persepolis is coooool! I want to buy it but it's too expensive :(