Di Interview Sutradara Terkenal
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Gua memasuki lorong LO-FI Films |
Gua baru keinget.. Weekend kemarin, gua berkesempatan buat masuk ke sesi interview untuk a scriptwriting mentorship with Joko Anwar, seorang sutradara Indonesia yang udah menghasilkan karya klasik di hidup gua kaya Janji Joni, dan karya-karya populer kaya: Arisan!, Quickie Express, Forbiden Door, and Modus Anomali.
Gua denger berita tentang ini seminggu sebelumnya. Tadinya, gua kira gua udah ngak masuk seleksi. Secara, skenario yang gua kirim cuma halaman pertama, ceritanya dari film yang gua tawarin juga belum bener-bener complete, terus essay-essay kecil gua juga terkesan sangat personal, nyantai dan apa adanya. Gua ngak berharap banyak sih, walaupun pas berdoa gua cuma bilang sama Tuhan, "God, I would love the chance.. But do as you will." (Ngak tau itu iman versi apah..)
Eniwei, di sabtu pagi itu, gua bangun dengan kebiasaan yang sama. Buka HP, ngecek path, ngecek insta, ngecek twitter. Lalu ditengah "kesibukan" superflous gua, sebuah notif e-mail masuk. Tulisannya dari LO-FI films, dan gua otomatis langsung buka tuh e-mail. What I found was the news that they want to interview me the next saturday. *JEDER* Johanna meledak jadi ribuan potongan confetti. Asli, gua seneng banget sampe tangan gua geter-geter.
Susah buat nenagin otak gua, isinya penuh dengan semua jawaban yang bakal gua kasih. Semua scene-scene interview udah gua tulis, perankan, dan produseri di otak gua. But life must go on, the day's plan must continue, so gua pergi lah ke Koltura Coffee buat miting dengan temen-temen buat bikin film pendek. On the way kesana, gua buka HP buat baca alkitab. Pas gua finally berhasil nenangin otak gua, gua membaca satu verse dari Peter yang bikin gua mau nangis:
2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
Gua ngerasa, this interview process is God's way of telling me that even though life feels like it's moving no where, but He does not forget the promises He made me. This is actually the fulfilment of his promises, that he'll use me somehow for the praise of His glory. So, I took that verse to heart and thank God that He allow this to happen. Whatever the outcome might be, He still have my best intentions in mind.
So, fast forward a week later, I was on that pink walled room, waiting for my turn to be interviewed. Apparently, I was the first on the list. Was I nervous? Heck yes. But I was more excited than anything else, cause I am just glad to be selected. The people who were waiting with me was very very quiet. I tried talking to them, but nothing came out.. I had to read their lips to even notice their answers, and to top it all off, they didn't even look back at me. Nervous writers, right? Haaa...
Masuk ke ruang interview, gua ngobrol2 sama Mas Joko Anwar, producernya, and a certain Kaka Tia or Ita (so bad with names). I was energetic, too exuberant malahan.. Sampe ngerasa kaya, man i'm 24, i should act my age. But, gimanaahh, kalo gua nervous emang giniiihhhh. Jadi pecicilan dan banyak bego-nyaaahhh.
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan kaya Who's your favorite indonesian directors, What's your family like, Pitch your movie, dan bla-bla-bla keluar semua. Gua mencoba menjawab mereka the best I could, but at the end of the day, I was just trying to be real. Pertanyaan sutradara indo favorit gua itu kaga bisa gua jawab. asli, otak gua kosong.. i haven't watched enough sih.. enough to tell which style i like, even to tell one director's work a part from another. In the end, I told them, I know kalo program kaya gini, kita pasti di perbabukan, and I am ready for that. Seharusnya gua add, I'm ready to learn.. But, yeah.. kepinteran gua baru keluar pas gua nulis ini.
The decision-nya ngak tau bakal keluar kapan.. mungking di e-mail? Sekarang sih I'm in the waiting Game, yah. But while in wait, I have a couple of scripts to finish, some videos to plan for work, and a bunch of soul seeking to do. Let's see where God is leading me. I feel like, i'm just putting everything at once, as a form of exploration. I pray that I won't get too exhausted like I usually did back then.
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